Vince Neil #45 | Red Lips.

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Soft lips coated in red made Vince stare at them all night long. He had his eyes on them, his eyes going in and out of focus as he concentrated on the beautiful red thick lips.

She had gorgeous hair and the deepest eyes he had ever seen. He was in love. He didn't know what to do, he had never felt so in love like this before...
He stared at her for a while, she was giggling and joking around with the others who were cracking jokes and telling her stupid stories of when the band was starting out.

"You're an idiot," She chuckled as Tommy told her the story of the 'indecent exposure' against Mick Mars.
Mick simply smiled a little and ruffled up his hair, "Well, I got popped," Mick shrugged making her giggle.

She turned to Vince as he was being quiet and saw him already staring at her.
Though he looked away quickly and flushed a dark shade of red, she smiled a little and continued her deep conversation with the others.

It was time to go to the bus, however she took Vince's hand to get his attention, it worked, he stopped and turned to her.
"Hey, I just wanted to talk... You okay? You were staring at me so I just wanted to check up on you," she said softly.

"O-oh, yeah I'm okay just um..." He cleared his throat nervously, "Do you mind answering a question?" He asked softly, she nodded with a soft smile, "Of course Vin, what's up?" She asked.

"Well... I... I wanted to know if you'd be okay to hang out once tours over... You know, I know you'll probably be busy and all..." He shrugged, "Yeah of course! I'd love to! Let's head to the bus," she smiled and led him to the bus, they hopped on and she sat at the very back, he sat beside her and she laid over his lap.

"Nice pillow," she smiled making him chuckle a little as they hit the road.

She leaned up and kissed his cheek, "There, I saw you staring at my lips before so..." She smiled and kissed his forehead making him blush.

He smiled softly, unaware that she would be his future wife and wear the same red lipstick as she is now.

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