Vince Neil #47 | Kiss me more.

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It was 1980, Vince Neil was trying to get his music going with Rockandi, he sat there for days trying to convince his band to do something cool and original but none of them bought it so he gave up and continued singing covers... For now at least.

The day was February 14th, Valentine's Day.

This is the day where couples gathered round, kissed and did cheesy stuff such as writing letters and dare I say... Making love.

The blonde singer got home early, his arms sliding around his girlfriends waist, she was a famous rock star, she found her fame just two years prior and Vince thought she was the hottest chick in leather around.

"Hey baby," he murmured tiredly and nuzzled into her neck, "Hey Vin, how was work baby?" She asked and rubbed his hand gently, he smiled and kissed her neck, "It was... Ugh... Baby you know how it goes... They won't sing originals, nothing..." Vince murmured and kissed down her neck and to her shoulders which were revealed from her red dress.

"You like it?" She smiled as he was running his hands up and down her sides.
"Mhm... Damn baby you look hot!" He hissed and gently bit her earlobe, running his tongue down her shoulders.

"Yeah? I got it for you... I know you've had it stressful baby..." She smiled softly and turned around, looking up at him, he looked her up and down, grabbing her hand and holding it up making her giggle as she did a spin for him.

"God you're sexy," he sighed and kissed her softly, "You're sexy," she smiled and kissed him once more. "Tell me what to do my love... How do I get those jackasses to play originals?" He frowned, "Baby... Have patience... I bet not long from now and you're going to have a band set up!" She smiled widely and kissed his forehead.

"You'll be there?" He asked, she nodded with a smile.

He smiled softly and gently bit her shoulder making her giggle.
"You want your special reward?" She smiled and winked at him, "Oh yeah? I get a reward?" He smirked, "Mhm, my valentines gift, from me to you," she grinned and grabbed his hand, dragging him to their room.

(Part two soon)

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