Nikki Sixx #45 | Date Night.

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The dorkie boy known as Frankie was walking around town in Idaho, looking around as he did, happy his grandfather had dropped him off while he would be out looking for guns and such.

He came across that beautiful girl whom he eyed in class, she was in his science class and he was in awe at how beautiful she was, always choosing to sit across from her or behind her as she's so... So... Beautiful.

She saw him and walked over, "Hey Frankie!" She smiled, wait... She knows his name? He found his heart rate pick up, "H-hey, hey um... Y/N..." He said nervously, "I just wanted to tell you that I really like your hair," she smiled and played with his messy black hair which he finally persuaded Nona and Tom to let him dye.

"O-oh... Thank you, I really like yours too," he smiled a little, "Hey um... Y/N, would you like to go on a date some time?" He mentally cursed, why the fuck did he ask that?! No way in hell is she gonna want to-

She smiled widely and nodded, "Yeah I'd love to!" She clapped a little and gave him a big hug, he was in shock as he put his arms around her, she let him put his hands on her waist, 'so soft' he thought as he felt the squishy piece of flesh.

"Where and when?" She smiled up at him, "Uh... Tomorrow, 6.30?" He asked nervously, she beamed and nodded, "I'll see you than!" She smiled and kissed his cheek, he went scarlet red which made her giggle as she waved at him and made her way back home.

"Hey kid, you ready?" Tom asked, Frankie just stood there, "Frank?" Tom asked and walked over, "What's the matter with ya?" He frowned, before seeing where he was staring.

"Oh, someone's In love~" Tom teased, "Tom, I got a fuckin date tomorrow night!" Frankie said, "Ah, atta boy," Tom smiled and patted his shoulder as they went to the pick up truck and went home.

Nona would iron his clothes and fluffle his hair, fussing over him while Frankie would grumble and leave the door.

"I gotta go, bye Nona, bye Tom!" He called and borrowed his grandpa's truck.

"He's a good lad," Tom smiled and watched him go.

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