Mick Mars #42 | Psycho.

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*warning - psycho ex*

Mick sighed, drinking his coffee and looking out the window, he jumped out of his skin when his door was beaten on.
He got up, sighing and opening the door, "Alright calm- Y/N?!" He asked in shock, she was breaking down, crying hysterically with her son in her arms.

"Come in, come on in!" He said and let her in, she let her son down and was crying so hard she was hiccuping and choking.

"Sit down, come on," Mick sighed and led her to a chair, "I'll be back," he said softly and took her son to a spair room, finding something that would keep him busy and going back down stairs to her.

"What's going on?" He asked softly and held her hand.
"H-he... He... He," she whimpered, "Deep breaths," he said and got her to follow his breathing pattern.

She sighed and wiped her eyes, "He went crazy... H-he just started s-stabbing stuff in the h-house after w-we left, he cheated and i-i got him to leave b-but he came back and d-destroyed everything!" She whimpered, head in his shoulder, "What a fucking psychopath!" He gasped, he held her close and rubbed her back, "Did you call the cops?" Mick asked softly, "Mm-mm," she shook her head, "I'll call them," he said, getting up and making a phone call.

As he finished the call, he walked over and played with her soft hair, sighing as she sniffled a few times. "Easy honey," he said softly and held her hand.

"That prick is going to jail," he said and she held him close, "Thank you Mick..." She murmured, "No no, don't think anything of it," he smiled and heard footsteps.


"Hey baby, come here," she called, her son walked over and she lifted him onto her lap.
"You guys are more than welcome to stay," Mick said, ruffling Tysons hair up, "Thank you Mick," she smiled softly and wiped at her eyes.

About two weeks and they went to court, finally, her ex was thrown behind bars, this madness was all over... She went home with Mick who put his blazer around her.

"That pricks gone, just you, Tyson and I," Mick smiled softly, "Thank you Mick..." She chuckled slightly and hugged him tightly.

"I love you..."

"I... Love you too."

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