Vince Neil #4 | Dont!

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-tw: suicide attempt, and mentions of self harm and blood, dw, she doesn't actually get to as Vince stops her-


I was with the boys in the hallway, we walked around and I saw ... The most beautiful woman ever.
Beautiful black long slightly curled at the ends hair and red lipstick on, her eyes shined with tears.

I wonder what's wrong?
I wanted to ask, but I couldn't bring myself to.
I stopped without noticing.
"Vince? Man what's the matter?" Tommy asked, "Huh? Oh, nothing," I said shaking my head.

"I wonder what was wrong with the girl," Mick said, "Yeah.. Me too," I agreed and we went to our dorm.

About thirty minutes later and I heard quick footsteps run passed our door.
"I'll be back," I told the boys and opened the door, seeing the girl running down the hallway.

I practically ran on my tippy toes to not make sound.
The girl was fast. Whatever she was doing, she had clear intent to do it.

She climbed the rooftop steps and I went after her.
What could she possibly want to do up here?
She began to walk now, I crept around behind the air cons so she wouldn't see me.

She took out her hair from her pony tail, then took off her jacket, I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop me from gasping.
Blood was all over wrists.
She began to sob as she climbed up the chain fence.

I ran over as she got to the top and grabbed her down.
"No! Let me go!" She sobbed, "Easy darling, easy," I said rocking her in my arms.

She sobbed into my shoulder and I wasn't far off from crying either.
"Why would you want to do that?" I whispered, "I have nothing anymore..." She sobbed, "You now have me," I smiled softly, slowly wiping her tears with my thumbs.

She hummed slowly and eventually calmed down.
"Vince?" She asked, now she must know me.
"Yes?" I asked, "Can I stay like this a little longer?" She mumbled, "Of course," I said and picked her up, taking her down stairs and sitting in the hallway with her.

"You're really pretty," I smiled, "Thank you, you're handsome," she said and sniffled a bit, "Do you mind if I take you to my dorm? My three pals will be there," I said, she shook her head so I picked her up and carried her inside.

Whispering kind words into her ear.
"Can I kiss your cheek?" I asked, she nodded, I pressed gentle kisses on her cheek as I opened the front door.

"Woah," Tommy said as I held the girl.
"I'll be back," I said and took her to my room, I searched in the draw for my first aid kid, finding some bandages and a cloth, I gently patted at her arm with the cloth, making sure to soak up all the blood.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly, "It's stupid," she murmured.
"If you were ready to take your life, nothing is stupid," I said, rubbing her thigh gently as I put the bandage around her arm.

"My dad died... I just fell apart..." She told me, "Oh, I'm so sorry," I said and reached up to hug her, she cried into my neck and I slowly stood up, sitting on the bed and rocking her in my arms.

"Shhh, it's okay," I whispered.
"Oh baby... I'm so sorry," I sighed and rubbed her side.
She giggled slightly, "What?" I smiled, "Thing is, you guys look so tough but you're so sweet," she smiled up at me, I chuckled and took her hair out of her face.

"We're not completely wild animals," I scoffed jokingly making her giggle, she moved to my lap and kissed my cheek, "Thank you Vincey," she mumbled, "No problem at all," I said.

"I'm Y/N by the way," she yawned, "Y/N, pretty!" I grinned and patted her back, she giggled and played with my gold locks.

"You know I usually don't let people touch my hair. But because I'm an amazing person, I'll let you," I smiled, she giggled and got off my lap, patting the bed so I scooted over.

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