Vince Neil #27 | Seriously?

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You groaned, huffing as Vince was being a pain in the ass once again.
"You know you don't have to be Docs assistant to be our groupie," he stated.

You glared at him, "I'm not your groupie, I'd rather die then fuck any one of you, especially you," you huffed and poked his chest.

"Ooh, feisty," he smirked, "Oh shut up, wake up you moron, not everyone wants to be in your pants," you scoffed.

What he did next shocked you. He slapped you across the face.
But then his brows lifted and his eyes widened, he stared at you in shock and your lips parted as you looked up at him, eyes watering, he had never been that bad before...

"I... I-" he stuttered and looked at his hand before you again.
"I'm sorry... I am so sorry..." He mumbled, you stormed out not giving the time of day.

It was a week before you two actually spoke again.
Well, he forced you to.

He pinned you against the wall, a look of horror and shock evident on your face.
"I'm not gonna hurt you... I just... Don't want you to run," he sighed, his forehead very close to yours as he looked down, his forearm resting against the wall.
"I'm... I'm so sorry that I hit you... I don't know what came over me," he said, you could tell he hadn't slept in ages, his eyes puffy and red.

"I'm sorry... I never meant to hit you," he said and began to cry, tears running down his face as he sobbed.

"I didn't mean to..." He sniffled, your arms wrapped around him in a hug, he was clearly shocked but appreciated the affection and held you closer.

"It's okay," you mumbled and played with his hair, "Thank you... God you have no idea how bad it's been eating me up," he chuckled and picked you up making you gasp in shock.

He rested his cheek against your shoulder, smiling as he held you and rocked you slightly.

"I'm sorry I said those things to you..." He murmured, "it's okay, Vinny stop saying sorry," you said softly.

"But I am! I'm sorry I hit you, I'm sorry I made your life terrible, I'm sorry I called you a groupie..." He said and began to cry again.

You sighed and hopped down, grabbing his hand and taking him to the couch, you laid down and patted your stomach, he hesitated before crawling over and cuddling up to you.

"It's okay Vinny," you sighed and rubbed his shoulder. "I love you," he murmured, "I love you too," you felt butterflies in your stomach, maybe he meant it in the friendly way.

No, definitely not. A soft kiss was planted to your lips. "I love you," he sniffled and smiled at you.

"Vinny why are you crying?" You hummed, "I'm happy," he chuckled and kissed you again, "God I love you so much, I was so dumb and I scared you away," he said, thumbs running across your cheeks, you blushed and smiled.

"Vinny, you know I could never hate you, you've got too good of a voice, sassy, kind, when you wanna be," you smirked making him chuckle, "Fluffy hair and a sexy body, mwah," you smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you doll," he chuckled, "I love you too," you smiled and squeezed his ass, he gasped making you giggle.

"Hey..." He blushed, you slapped his butt and giggled as he glared at you, "Naughty girl," he chuckled and kissed your forehead.

"You love me," you sang, "Not quite," he sang making you gasp, "Bitch!" You said making him laugh as he snuggled into your collar bone.

"You're so lucky you've got sexy hair and a great voice," you sighed, "Why?" He asked, "I suck at singing, and I got a bird nest," you said making him chuckle.

"I can't be the judge, but yeah, your hair is pretty messy," he smiled making you giggle.

"You should sing for me, babe," he hummed, "I don't know... I wouldn't know what to sing," you smiled.

"Mm..." He hummed in thought, "Sing me a lullaby," he said batting his lashes making you giggle.

"Hush little baby, don't you cry...
I'm gonna buy you a mocking bird..."

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