Mick Mars #25 | Singers sister.

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Vince was very protective over his big sister, she's literally a year older then Nikki but he's acting like a big brother.

He always clings to her and makes sure no one hits on her, if they do, they're gonna have a black eye, maybe more, depending on how bad they were.

She had the looks that kill, to put it metaphorically.
Mick liked her, she was chill and nothing like her younger brother so she was fine with her.

All though she was a complete nutter at night, as soon as the sun went down she turned into a goofball.

"Hey Vince, what's your sister good at?" Nikki asked, "She's good at music, she's also good at singing and guitar," he said.

"For real?" Tommy asked, "Yeah, she learnt before I was born," Vince said, "Damn," Mick hummed.

"Yeah, she started a year before I was born, so she was one," Vince chuckled.

"Can she shred our faces off?" Nikki asked, "Yeah, but she probably won't as she doesn't do anything for me... Evil," Vince scoffed.

"Really? I've seen her doing plenty for you, including punching that dude at our last show for calling you a fag," Mick said making them laugh.

"Yeah, well I guess it's our thing to be protective," Vince shrugged, "Probably," Tommy chuckled.

Out of no where they heard some arpeggios.
"That's her," Vince said nonchalantly, "Woahhh, she's badass man," Tommy said.

Mick raised a brow and then out of no where it stopped, she walked down and got some water, "You can shred?!" Nikki asked, "I guess if you wanna put it like that," she said and sat down beside Mick.

"Hey! Where's the rest of your clothes?!" Vince huffed as she was in a sports bra and jeans, "Oh calm down, I've got pants on," she chuckled.

"At least it isn't lingerie I'm wearing," she said making them chuckle, "True," Mick said as he picked the nail polish off his fingers.

"You've been playing since you were three?" Tommy asked, "Yep, I started with an old Rickenbacker laying down on the bed and just plucking strings, then at four I was on dads lap learning, also staring at Vince, the weird critter when he was a baby," she hummed making Vince giggle.

"I was three!" She mocked making him smile, "I have the weirdest brother," she said, "But... At least he's not as weird as that dude at the bar, remember when we went to the bar and that guy was trying to drink from the wrong side of his cup and it went all over him?" She giggled making them all laugh.

"That dude was wasted," Mick said, "What do you look like wasted? I feel like you're the only one I haven't seen drunk," she said, "I just sleep," he shrugged.

"Oh thank god, you're the chill one, those idiots are annoying as hell," she scoffed making him laugh.

She went back upstairs and continued playing what sounded like Deep Purple.

"You got the best sister! No fair!" Nikki groaned making Vince cackle.

Mick went up and she let him in, "I'd rather listen to this then them idiots any day," he said and laid down on her bed, she chuckled, "Right?" She smiled.

"Star truckin!" He sang making her giggle, "Big deep purple fan huh?" She asked, "Damn right kid," he said.

"You've gotta be my favourite out of anyone in this apartment," he sighed as he stretched his arms, "You gotta be my favourite guitarist," she chuckled.

"Well isn't that an honor?" He smiled making her giggle.

She put every thing away and laid down as well.
"Well, I've never met a badass guitarist like you before," he said, "I've never met anyone as badass as you either," she smiled and poked his nose, "You're so strange," he chuckled, "That's how Wharton's are," she smiled making him laugh.

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