Mick Mars #33 | Not like the others.

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Y/N was fun. She was gorgeous, happy, talented, god she's amazing.

And she was best friends with guitar God, Mick Mars. She was the groupie of Motley Crue.
He liked her a lot, she wasn't like the other groupies, in fact, she barely acted like a groupie, of course, there were times when she had to act like one... But she only did that if she was desperate.

So when she arrived, Mick was startled to see her but happy none the less.
"Hey Y/N," he smiled, "Hey Micky," she smiled and sat beside him.

"How's it been?" He asked, "Really good, though boring in some patches," she smiled.
"Oh yeah? What bands did you see?" He questioned.

"I saw Poison, Guns N Roses and Skid Row," she smiled, "Oh? Did any boy try and hook up with you?" He teased, gently nudging her arm with his elbow.

"Yes, of course there's always one. Axl Rose seemed desperate. He tried having sex with me and I told him I wasn't in the mood and he had a big temper tantrum about it," She said, sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"He then went to tell me all groupies are is an emergency fuck doll," she told him, "That's seriously fucked," Mick said, "I know," she whined and tucked her legs up.

"You don't see me as a fuck doll do you?" She asked, almost hopeful.
"Of course I don't, baby," he said and lightly brushed her hair out of her eyes, smiling as he saw how beautiful they looked.

"I see you as a gorgeous, kind, funny lady, I always love hanging out with you," he said and brushed his thumb over her lips making her turn scarlet.

"I really don't want you to leave me for another band..." He sighed softly, "I could never!" She gasped.

"I know... But it's still a conscious thought," he said, kind of guilty for not trusting her not to leave him.

"Micky, you've been my friend for years," she pouted, right, friend, no beautiful woman could ever like an old man like me... Especially not her. Mick thought.

"Plus, you're my favourite guitarist in the world," she smiled, "Really?" He asked, kinda happy about that compliment.

"Uh huh," she said and played with his hair.
"Can I tell you a secret?" She hummed, staring at his lips, "Mhm," he said.

"I have a big fat crush on you," she said and brought her index to his bottom lip, parting them slightly and playing with his lips.

"Uh... Really?" He blushed, "Mhm," she smiled, finally gazing up at him, "I love you Mick," she said.

He blinked slowly. "I know you like me too, I see you checking in me out," she winked, he blushed and groaned, hiding his face making her giggle.

"Noo, come back," she smiled and grabbed his face, giggling with him, she yelped as they fell backwards, they laughed together as she was on top of him.
"Are you okay?" She giggled softly, he nodded, "I love you space man," she smiled, "I love you too baby," he said, he grabbed her jaw and kissed her softly.

As they parted they smiled at each other.
"So does that make me Mars material?" She wiggled her brows, he tsked at the bad joke making her giggle.
"Baby, I might have to kill you," he chuckled making her giggle.
"Aww, love really is the death of me," she cooed, earning a whine from Mick making her laugh.

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