Vince Neil #38 | My kinda lover.

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Such beautiful wide hips, such smooth looking skin, hair flayed over and ending at her waist, the smaller pieces rested against her breasts as she walked through the hallway to the diner.

Men stopped and stared, one of those men being Vince fucking Neil.
The lead singer of Motley Crue.

He watched her as she walked, she had black sunglasses on, she looked over at him, giving a small smile before continuing on her way, slipping into the darkness to have a cigarette break.

He not-so-subtly slipped out of the diner and went after her, she looked over when she heard the doors open, before smiling when she saw the singer again, lifting the sunglasses onto her head, she smiled over at me.

His eyes darted to her exposed waist, she wore a black crop top and a leather skirt, her skin was slightly tinted purple from the cold.

"Vince, right?" She asked, "Yes, that's me, and you?" He smiled, stepping closer, "Y/N, nice to meet you rockstar," she grinned.

Suddenly his eyes flew wide.
"As in... Y/N Y/L/N?! Like... The rocker chick from that band?" He gasped, she giggled slightly, it was music to his fucking ears.

"Yeah," she smiled softly, "Something like that," she said, "Woah... I'm a huge fan, dude... Or... Girl?" He frowned, "I don't mind being called dude," she chuckled and lightly bumped his hip with hers.

"So, what brings ya here?" She smiled, "The boys and I were hanging out after a record deal," he shrugged, "Oh nice, tell them I said hi," she chuckled.

It was kind of awkward in a way, she shivered on the spot, wishing she had chosen to take her jumper with her, suddenly a very warm leather jacket wrapped around her shoulders.

"You looked cold," he stated, now being completely shirtless as he wore nothing but the leather jacket.

"You're gonna freeze your nips off," she said, "Oh well," he smiled, "It's the least I could do for a woman as beautiful as you," he told her.

She blushed, giggling slightly, a tad flustered.
"Oh, oh are we falling?" He smirked, she huffed, completely flustered, her hot and bad demeanor leaving as she looked up at him, a wobbly smile appearing.

"You're too fuckin cute you are..." He told her, "I can't be as cute as Vinny Neil," she smiled and lightly squeezed his cheeks, he chuckled softly and held her waist in his hands.

"So... You want to head out?" He asked, "I thought you said you were with the boys?" She asked as they stared at each other's lips, then their eyes.

"Yeah... They won't care though, they're probably fuckin or drunk, or both," he shrugged slightly, she chuckled softly, a small kiss leaving both wanting more.

"I'll tag along, I walked anyways," she smiled, "Great," he said, "So where ya taking me?" She asked as he lead her to his car.

"A special place, called my house," he hummed and smirked as she snickered, "Oh aren't you a charmer," she smiled and put her finger under his chin, "I try," he said, lightly pushing her into the car and closing the door as she got comfy, he walked around and drove off.

"I'm being kidnapped by an unbelievably attractive rock star..." She sighed, dramatically putting her hand to her forehead, pretending to faint.

"Oh ho, who's the lucky guy?" Vince joked, she giggled and kissed his cheek as he spun the wheel into his drive way.

"A certain someone called Vince Neil, ever heard of him?" She smiled, hopping onto his lap, "Oh? No... No, I've never heard of him, he must be some kinda stinker," he said shakin his head with a small smirk.

"Mm, he's really handsome, also very charming, but there's just one thing I can't understand," she hummed, "And what's that?" He asked, "Why such a hot-shot like you would want little ol me," she pouted jokingly.

"Oh babe, you're all I look up to," he grinned, "Literally," she giggled and leaned down to kiss him softly.

"Now let's get inside before we break our backs in this car," he said, she snickered and opened the door, hopping out and giving him her hand, he jokingly gasped, "Oh what a gentleman!" He exclaimed, she giggled and kissed his hand, "Pleasures all mine fine lady," she said and mocked a very fucked up swagger of a walk making him laugh as he swayed his hips behind her.

"Get a wriggle on you," he smiled and unlocked the door.
The two laughed all night, pillow fights, movies, popcorn...

The two were Inseperable.

"Vince?" She asked as he was laying on her, he tiredly hummed an 'uh?' As a yes, "Vince, you're the only one that's made me feel like you have," she told him, playing with his soft blonde hair.

"Mm... I feel the same..." He hummed, lazily kissing her jaw before falling asleep, she chuckled softly and not long after fell asleep as well.

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