Mick Mars #34 | I love you...

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-kinda inspired by the song 'Beautiful Boy' by John Lennon? Dad au where Mick meets his daughter-

After weeks of obsessive phone calls and rejections. He finally got the address of his daughter, he had one chance, and one chance only.

He made his way down to the house, he was on his way.
He met up with the ex who basically passed the toddler like hot potato.

She slammed the door, nothing...

He sighed and got in the car, balancing the little one on his lap as he let her nuzzle into his chest.

She was so calm in his arms, however in her arms she looked to be close to tears.

Mick pulled over and got out, he made his way upstairs and his daughter was in his arms, smiling up at him.

"Beautiful girl..." Mick sang softly, she giggled and made grabby hands, he smiled and kissed her cheek, she grabbed his hair and played with it making him chuckle.

"I love you..." Mick said, he rocked her in his arms and smiled down at her as she giggled, slowly closing her eyes and falling asleep.

He carried her to the room he set up for her, tucking her in and smiling as she fell asleep.

However, he got a phone call from said ex.
"Keep her."

Nothing else, she hung up after that, wouldn't answer any calls, nothing, fuck.

He's not taking advice from the three musketeers, he's taken too much shit from them to worry about his daughter going down that root.
Vince however is a dad...

He hummed in thought, he called him.

"Mars man! What's up?" Vince asked, "You got any history with mad exs?" Mick asked, "You know it," he snorted.

"Well, mine, just gave me a baby to babysit, my baby, and now I'm stuck with her in my house, my ex said keep her and isn't responding to my calls," Mick said.

"Keep her then man," Vince said, "I can't, were on the road all the time," Mick said.

"Do you have contact of Stormy and Les' mother?" Vince asked, "No, bad fight," Mick sighed.

"Mm... Well, if you don't want her, you'd have to put her for adoption," Vince said, "I can't do that! She's too attached!" Mick huffed.

"Then just keep her, by the way, is she okay physically? Any bruises, scratches?" Vince asked, "No, haven't checked her," Mick said, "How about I come over and check for you," Vince said.

"Ugh, fine, but if you break havoc, I'll kill you," Mick said, "Fine by me, I'm on my way Mars," Vince said and hung up.

Mick looked down at his daughter in the crip who was sound asleep.

Knock knock.

Well that was quick.

He made his way down stairs and  ... All three of them.
"If I ordered a zoo I would've ordered zookeepers," Mick frowned, "Haha..." Vince said and Mick reluctantly let them in.

"Nice place," Tommy said looking around.
"Was before you guys showed up," Mick said, "Hah!" Nikki cackled.

"Shut up, I've got a baby sleeping," Mick said as they were loud.
There it is, the majestic cry of a baby.

"Oh nice one!" Mick whisper hissed and went upstairs.
He grabbed hold of her and rocked her, gently patting her behind and she slowly calmed down, now only whining in his arms.

"Aww she's so cute," Tommy cooed and waved at her, she giggled and flapped her arms around.

"Aww!" Vince cooed and they all made silly faces, Mick chuckled as his daughter laughed at them.

"You should check for wounds man," Vince said, "My ex was crazy, but I don't think she'd be that crazy," Mick said.

"Check in case," Vince said, he sighed and lifted up her shirt, then checking her legs, nothing, "See? Good as new, well," Mick frowned making them chuckle.

"Maybe because she kinda is," Tommy chuckled, "She's two," Mick said and his baby grabbed hold of his mouth and giggled as he kissed her hand.

He giggled with her and they had a whole laughing fit.
"Aww, I've never seen Mick so happy!" Tommy said, earning a death glare from Mick.

Mick went back to giggling with his daughter who stuck her tongue out.
"I love you!" He smiled, "I... Uh you... Dada," she hummed, he smiled and kissed her forehead.

"She's so cute..." Vince said, "Shes adorable," Mick sighed in agreeance and let her down in the crib, he spun the thing that spins, it had little animals on it, Vince ran his finger down the bridge of her nose gently, earning small giggled before she fell asleep.

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