Mick Mars #31 | Early morning.

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There they were.
Cuddling together and giggling as they told funny stories.

"-and Tommy got me busted, when it was him that was nude and not me," he told me making me laugh.

I kissed him and we giggled together.
"I love you," I giggled, "I love you too," he smiled and held my waist.

Then we fell asleep, peacefully clung together.

We woke up at similar times, he woke up first.
"Morning..." He croaked tiredly and blinked slowly.
"Morning," I groaned and headbutt his chest.

"It's too early," I whined, "Ugh," he agreed and we captures each other's warmth.

Then the bed dented.
We looked and our son crawled up.
"What ya doin?" Mick hummed, "Mm," he whined and slithered between us, we chuckled and cuddled him as well.

"Morning baby," I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Morning..." He said and looked up at the ceiling.

"Care to explain why you just stole my wife?" Mick asked making me laugh, our son Eric giggled as well.
"I'm hungry," he groaned.

"Really, you wanted cuddles to get us to get up?" I asked, he giggled and nodded.
"Come here you!" Mick roared and tickled him making him laugh.

Their bond is adorable.
"Daddy!" The four year old giggled and squirmed around, a cute smile on his face.

"You cheeky baby!" Mick huffed and kissed his cheek, they got up and he carried him down stairs.

"I have the cutest husband and son ever," I said, "I know," Mick said and batted his lashes making me laugh.

I kissed him softly and giggled with him.

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