Mick Mars #46 | A.S...

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Fire, burning and agony.
Mick sat on his chair, gripping the arms as he felt pain down his back, it felt like his stomach and back was on fire, he panicked, thinking his stomach had ruptured and his stomach acids were leaking and burning his organs and bones.

He had gone to the doctor after ages of laying it off, only be told it's a stomach bug, he went home $50 broker.

Finally, months later when he had enough of grabbing the doorknobs, putting his feet either side of either door to straighten his back, he went again.

This time he was taken to a specialist who works with spines, that's when he first heard it 'ankylosing spondylitis'.


She sat backstage, wincing as her back began to hurt, the other three boys were laughing and drinking Jack Daniels.

"What's with you, sugar pop?" Mick asked sarcastically as he noticed the roadie leaning forward and wincing.

"Nothing... Nothing I'm fine..." She murmured, sighing as her back was killing her.
Mick watched her as her nails dug into the arms of the chair.

"No, there's something wrong, what's wrong?" He frowned, now seeming to care more than before.
"It's just my back... Don't worry about it," she sighed and her back snapped loudly as she leaned forward, she stiffled a loud yelp by pursing her lips together and wincing.

"Jesus... What's wrong? Tell me," Mick said, shuffling to sit closer to her, she slowly leaned back and looked at him.

"A.S bullshit..." She murmured, "A.S... You've got it too?" He asked, she nodded, he gently took her hand in his and traced along her fingers.

"How long have ya had this curse?" He asked and took a puff of his cigarette, "Since I was 14... It's a pain in the fuckin ass," she said, "Back, pain in the back," he said, she groaned and pushed him gently making him snicker evilly.

"You're trash Mick!" She smiled, "I know, at least I ain't you," he smirked, giggling as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're so fucking lucky I like guitarists or I'd kick your ass," she told him with a smile, "Nah, you just love me," he smirked and leaned against her shoulder, "Who said?" She joked, giggling as he gasped loudly.

"You're my favourite rock star," she giggled, "Rock star..." He smiled and ruffled her hair, "You're my favourite stupid roadie, even if the boys act as if you're a groupie," he smiled making her giggle.

"I know... They're so damn annoying!" She huffed making him chuckle softly.
"I wish they'd have a little more respect, not only for the women but for themselves, it's degrading and they don't understand that," she told him, "I get what you mean," he nodded, "It's like bragging about their body count, in reality no one gives a shit how many women they've fucked, they're just tramps... It's more fulfilling when you find someone who loves you and stuff," she explained, "I know... Some chick is cute... I got my eye on her," Mick told her, "Ooh! Is she gonna be your Mrs. Mars?" She wiggled her brows, "Maybe one day," he chuckled softly.

"She's got these beautiful eyes... Lovely hair, she's a goddess and she doesn't even know it... I just wish she'd take the time out of her day to look at me..." He told her, "Well you're a handsome talented guy so she should!" She told him, "You coming on to me?" He smirked, she blushed, "Mick!" She huffed making him chuckle.

"Her name is Y/N...this real cute roadie chick who's sitting not far away from me," Mick told her, "Aye?! Me?" She asked, "Yes you, you idiot," he chuckled, she gaped at him before blinking a few times, "I... No way!" She gasped, "Yes way," he said, "I... Me too!" She said, "You what? You like me?" He asked, "Duh! Youre hot, you play guitar, you're fucked up like me and you're quite, plus you're really nice," she said making him chuckle softly, "Cmere sugar tits, your buttons are undone and I don't want the boys seeing what's mine," Mick said, grabbing her collar and dragging her onto his lap as he puffed his cigarette with his lips.

"Sugar tits? Scuse me, my titties are diamond!" She huffed, "They're pale enough," he said and brushed his hands against them, "Scuse you! These are too amazing for you!" She scoffed, putting a hand to her forehead making him chuckle.

He simply kissed her softly and she was all over him, cuddling up to him, "I love you, you're my partner in crime now," she smiled, "I love you too, silly," he smiled.

"Ooh! Sugar tits~" Vince laughed and made kissie faces at them, "Fuck off Vince, go fuck some random chick," Mick said and flipped him off making her giggle, "Yeah! Scram!" She yelled and flipped him off as well, giggling as Vince left.

"You're awesome," she smiled at him, "Obviously," he scoffed jokingly making her chuckle.

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