Tommy Lee #46 | The good girl.

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She always had her hair tied up, no makeup and she always wore dresses below the knee, she was a good girl.
The boys, excluding Mick would pick on her, calling her a good girl and teasingly grabbing her dresses to look up at the skirt which she'd squeak and quickly swipe their hands away before they'd get a chance at seeing her underwear.

Tommy was chuckling as she walked in, "Hey good girl!" He called, she waved a little bit and helped Doc carry the framed albums inside, they passed them to the correct band member who looked at them in awe.

Mick lit a cigarette to celebrate while the other three cheered and threw their arms up.
Tommy was watching as Roxy, their good girl was walking around and looking around at all the framed records.

"You like it, good girl?" Tommy asked, she turned and nodded, though squealed as he lifted her dress a bit to look up it.
"Today's colour is white I see!" Tommy chuckled she slapped his hands away and went bright pink while the others laughed their heads off.

"Tommy! You can't do that!" She huffed and stomped her foot, upset he had done that without consent.
"Tommy, don't be a fuckin dick, you fuckin' teenager," Mick said and took a puff from his cigarette.

"Oh light up Mick! I'm just having some fun!" Tommy sighed, "At her expense, can't you see you're hurting her?" Mick asked, Tommy turned back and saw how Roxy looked genuinely upset about Tommy peaking up her dress.

"Look... Roxy I'm sorry man... I can be a huge fuckin dick sometimes," Tommy said, "He's a dick to make up for what he's missing down below," Vince teased, laughing as Tommy pushed him and yelled 'fuck you man!'.

"It's okay... You boys just don't do it again or I'll kick you all in the nuts... except you Mick," she mumbled, Mick simply chuckled and nodded his head a little.

"Warning taken, m'lady," Tommy teased and grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle kiss.
"Oh my god Tommy, that was cheesy as fuck!" Nikki groaned, "What?! Go suck faces with some chick!" Tommy groaned and grabbed hold of Roxy's waist, bringing her closer and resting the side of his face just under her chest.

"Tommy... Do you have a thing for Roxy?" Vince asked quietly, looking between the two.
"So what if I do?" Tommy asked and grabbed her hand, licking from the back of her hand up to her elbow, she frowned a bit, "Weirdo..." She mumbled making him snicker.

"You have a thing for good girl?!" Nikki yelled, "And?" Tommy asked, "You what what?" Roxy frowned making Tommy chuckle, "I think you're pretty hot, good girl," Tommy said and brought her onto his lap.

"You what?!" Everyone barked, even Mick and Roxy, "Got a problem with that?" Tommy scoffed and kissed down her jawline.

"Are you drunk?" Roxy asked, "No damn it woman! I fucking love you!" Tommy snapped, offended she'd think he was lying.
She paused for a moment and looked into his eyes.
"Really?" She asked quietly, "Yes really!" He pouted, "I love you too... You're kinda funny... Sometimes... When you're not shitfaced drunk," she decided.

"Wooh! The good girl and bad boy are getting hitched!" Vince cheered, "Oh shut up blondie," Tommy sighed and held her close.

"Yeah... Shut up barbie," Roxy said, giggling as Vince gasped loudly, "Fuck you!" Vince yelled, "Fuck you! Whore!" She yelled, "How am I a whore?!" Vince barked, "You literally fuck anything with a pussy!" She hissed, "Guys... Calm the fuck down," Mick sighed, "Yeah, fuck you blonde bitch," she said, "Fuck you whore," he said, they looked at each other before laughing together.

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