Mick Mars #50 | Sugar-tits.

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A man known for his fast playing and his chunky riffs, he had quite the following. Underrated in his girlfriend's opinion though.
"Mick..." She whined as he was grabbing at her waist.

He huffed from his arm chair, "Come here sugar-tits, cover up, I don't need those idiots looking at what's mine," He huffed from around his cigarette as he grabbed at her zipper and pulled it up, she whined a little so he smacked her rear, "Shut it hot-stuff or I'll give ya something to whine about," He said while puffing on his cigarette.

She sat beside him and snuggled into his shoulder, he put an arm around her shoulders and puffed on his cigarette.

"I love you..." She mumbled, "Yeah, I love you too sugar," He said and played with her soft hair.

After their show, he came off stage and grabbed her by the side of her jumper as she had zipped it down. "Baby, it's not that big of a deal... You can barely see it," She pouted, "Those boys will fuck anything, even if you're covered, now I don't want them idiots staring at what's mine, you're mine and mine alone, got that?" He snapped, she nodded and blushed a little bit.

He sat down and brought her to his lap, zipping it up.

"Cover up sugar-tits," He told her, she popped it down again, "We're in your dressing room, it doesn't matter baby," She said softly, gently stroking his cheek, "Yes it does!" He insisted, "It's just you and I... If it's that bad, maybe I shouldn't let you see me in what I've got underneath when we get home," She hummed playfully.

"Teasing bitch,"  He glared at her making her giggle, he kissed her softly and she took his cigarette, "How do you smoke these anyways?" She asked, "Put it to your lips," He said and used his thumb to part her lips, slipping the cigarette between them, "Now inhale gently and slowly exhale," He told her, she did as told and coughed a bit, he chuckled and brought it back to his own lips- not caring about the red lipstick now on his cigarette.

"Dying!" She gasped and grabbed his bottle, taking a sip of his water, he chuckled and gently stroked her thigh. "Knew ya wouldn't like it baby," He smiled, "Shut up..." She pouted making him smirk.

"Love you darling," He said, "I love you more alien," She smiled and cuddled into his neck.

"Not even fucking possible," He grunted as he grabbed her ass to grab her closer, "Yeah it is, I'm your biggest fan, I love you lots and lots," She smiled, "Oh whatever," He scoffed and rolled his eyes, kissing her neck softly.

"Love you 'my biggest fan'," He sighed, "I love you more 'my hero'," She smiled making his heart melt a bit as he gradually smiled as well.

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