Mick Mars #20 | YOU HAVE A CHICK??

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Mick was late. This was unusual. It was usually the other three morons who were late. But he was taking his girlfriend down to the studio so he had to take a pit stop so they could have lunch first.

As he walked in with her, Tommy whistled, Mick glared at him and slapped him over the head.
"Ow!" Tommy whined.

She giggled as she watched and walked over, holding Mick's hand and massaging it gently.
"This is my girlfriend."

"GIRLFRIEND?!" They screamed, she was beautiful... She wore leather jeans, a Motley Crue shirt and a leather jacket.

"How old are you?" Nikki asked, earning a slap to the head from Mick.
"Old enough," she smiled.

"But you're so pretty!" Vince said, you guessed it, a slap to the head.
"Sheeesh, you don't want people talking about your girlfriend!" Tommy scoffed and sat down.

"We'll be the best angels ever," Nikki said batting his eyes. Mick rolled his eyes and sat on the leather couch with his girlfriend who adjusted her boots.

"Babe, do you remember where I put my... My... Fuckin guitar?" Mick asked, "Yeah, you put it in the cupboard," she said, he got up and opened the door, quickly grabbing the strat before it could fall.

He walked back over and sat down on the couch.
"How long have you two been together?" Nikki asked, "Eleven years," she smiled.

"ELEVEN YEARS?!" They screamed.
"I see why you come home with headaches all the time," she giggled to her boyfriend who smirked.

Mick was practicing the song 'Girls Girls Girl's seen as they're playing it for their next show.
"Heyyy, Mick how come you never told us you had a girlfriend?" Vince asked.

"Because I can't trust you boys, you fuck women more times then I've had meals. Plus, you don't have respect for women of yourselves," Mick said with an eye roll, "Heyyy, well he's not wrong..." Nikki said making her laugh.

"You guys are funny," she cackled, "See?" Tommy said, "Not as funny as Micky though, you guys are funny because you're idiots," she smirked.

"Insulted!" Vince snapped making the couple laugh together.

The whole day she was snickering as the boys fucked up and screeched like banchies.
She put a finger to her lips at the boys and snuck up on Mick.

She swatted his behind and he put his tongue against his closed lips.
He sighed and shook his head, turning on his heel and looking down at his girlfriend who giggled.

He spun his finger making her whine, she turned and he slapped her ten times harder, "Bastard!" She huffed and crossed her arms.

The boys laughed while she huffed and pouted.
As they all sat down, she put her on Mick's shoulder and fiddled with his fingers.

She's been with him since before he was diagnosed with his spine disease.
When she found out he was completely vulnerable and broke down into her arms.
He was only twenty...

Mick yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Old fart is tired," Nikki said, Mick sent glared their way and his girlfriend stood up.

"Come on," she said, he took her hand and they walked out, she gave a small wave and they went to his stingray.

Of course, he's obsessed with his cars...
She loved when Mick drove, he was such a good driver and always sped around like a maniac, it was... Addrenalizing!

As they got home, he held her hand as they walked inside. She had beautiful plump lips and fluffy black hair.

He stared at her for a moment before pulling her in for a kiss. "I love you," he said, "I love you too," she smiled and kissed his cheek.

They went up their room and he groaned as his back was killing him...
She massaged his back and he hummed softly, "Fuck you're good," he said, "That's what she said," she giggled, "Dirty little brat," he chuckled.

They went to the shower together and she giggled as he had soaked hair.
He was never one who craved sex 24/7 like the others, he preferred a chill relationship, and that's exactly what he has.

She hugged him and he rested his chin on her head. "It hurts so bad..." He said as he put his arms around her shoulders, "I know baby..." She hummed, "But hey, at least your nice ass hasn't been affected," she smiled up at him, he chuckled and kissed her softly.

"What would I do without you?" He sighed, "Perrish," she smiled making him laugh.

"Damn right I would," he smirked and squeezed her close into a kiss.

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