Vince Neil #16 | I've got my eye on you.

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God it was a busy night, fans were outside chanting the bands name while the band was quickly throwing makeup on.

"We have five minutes guys!" A sound guy said as he ran past.
"Fuck!" Vince said as he kept dropping his eyeliner.

Nikki did it for him, "Thanks bro," he said and they marched on over.
Their outfits jingled from all of the metal against leather.

They ran on stage and the audience went wild.

"You fuckers ready to have a good time tonight?!" Vince yelled, "YEAHHHH!" Everyone yelled.

"This song, is about taking a ride..." He said and glanced around, "On the wild side!" He yelled, everyone cheered.

Mick and Nikki kicked it off with Tommy while Vince walked around the stage.
As he began singing, he glanced around at the girls in the front row, raising a brow and biting his lip.

Then he saw a girl who was absolutely beautiful... She had black hair and even from on stage he could see her eyes were green.

She was gorgeous...
He felt his heart hammer against his chest as he sang while looking down at her.

She seemed to notice, she blushed as she looked up at him, he smirked and blew a kiss, stomping one leg slightly and sticking his tongue out before going back to jumping around like a lunatic.

About twenty minutes in and everyone was sweaty.
Vince marched on back and saw the girl again.
He knelt down during a break where Nikki was playing his bass solo.

"You comin backstage later on?" He asked as he hopped down in front of the gate, many fans tried grabbing him, she shook her head, "Why not?" He asked, "I don't have a ticket," she giggled.

"Well we fuckin got that sorted baby," he grinned and slapped a pass in her hand, he winked and went back on stage.

Mick frowned at him and he shrugged and went back to singing.

Finally it was over.
"Ugh... Thank god it's over!" Vince said making the boys chuckled, "Fuck yeah it is," Tommy said making love to his Jack Daniels.

"Who was that girl you kept eying off?" Nikki asked, "No idea man, but she's hot!" Vince said making the twins laugh while Mick just rolled his eyes.

He heard footsteps, he got up, stuck his head out the door (imagine it's like Vince singing Smoking in the Boys room with his head through the window) and whistled at the girl.

She snorted and he grabbed her hands, dragging her inside.
"What's your name sugar lips?" Vince asked as he sat down with her, "Y/N," she giggled, "You look like this chick on my arm," he said showing the tattoo of the girl with blonde puffy hair.

"Except I have more clothes on," she smiled making Mick snicker as he walked passed to get makeup wipes.

"We could always change that," he winked, she laughed and gently shoved him, "You dirty man!" She giggled making him snicker.

"Heyy, it's rock n roll baby, dirty job but someone's gotta do it," Vince shrugged.

"I guess it would look pretty funny if you boys looked like nerds and were respectful people..." She hummed, "Hey! Were respectful!" Tommy huffed.

"Yeah yeah..." She teased, "We are!" Tommy voice cracked, she giggled, "Nice voice crack man, that was fuckin great," she cackled making Mick snicker.

"I like you, you're not a whore like the girls Vince ALWAYS brings back," Mick said patting her head, "Yeah, Vince just has bad taste that's all," she smiled, "Hey!" Vince huffed making her giggle.

"Yes?" She smiled, "I don't have bad taste!" He pouted, "Yeah sure," she nodded, he slapped her hand gently making her giggle.

"What's your type then?" Nikki slurred, beginning to get wasted off of his J.D, "I don't know, physically I don't care, but I guess someone with good taste in music and cars," she nodded.

"And cars?" Vince asked, "You're not a gold digger are you?" Mick asked making her laugh, "I love how you have no filter, it's amazing!" She cackled.

"No I'm not a gold digger, I'm just sayin!" She said putting her hands up, "I'm pretty sure you'd agree I have fabulous taste in both," Vince said proudly, "Sure you do," she teased, "You're a brat," he said making her snicker as she rested her arm on his shoulder.

"Fuck yes! I'm taller when I do this!" She said squatting like a frog, "Short ass," Vince said, she pouted and slapped his arm making him giggle.

"Surprising that you two aren't fuckin yet," Mick said, "Free porno for you," Vince said making her laugh.

"I love you guys so much," she giggled making them chuckle.
"Have you ever been flashed before?" Vince asked, "By both genders, yes," she nodded.

"Alright, tell me," Vince said.
"When I was at a club, this couple walked up to me, clearly drunk off their face and they go, 'Hey sexy... *hic* wanna fuck?' And I'm like, 'Ew they smell'," she giggled making Vince laugh.

"So I said no and they were like, 'Your loss!' And she threw her shirt off, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra and then she grabbed his dick and just whipped it out... My poor eyes..." She sighed sadly making them both laugh.

The twins were well gone on the couch.
"I have flashed someone before though," she said, "Really?" Vince asked, "Yeah, I was sitting beside this girl who was really... Really... Really... Gross? I don't know how else to explain it but she was like this," she said and crawled over to Vince, getting super close making him chuckle, "And she started kissing my neck and I was like, 'Help me, a stranger is kissing my neck! What do I do?!' And she can tell this ain't getting me horny in the slightest, so she straddles me and throws her shirt up showing me her tits, not to be a bitch, but mine are totally bigger," she nodded making them laugh.

"I'll be the judge of that," Vince wiggled his brows, "You dirty perve," she giggled.
"Yeah yeah," he smiled.

"So do you need a ride home?" He asked her, "Probably, my friend left me because she's a bitchhhh," she sighed, "So sad," she sniffled, he rolled his eyes making her giggle.

"Get up," he said, "No, you get up," she giggled, he sighed and picked her up making her squeal.

"Hey, not everyday a hot rock star carries you around huh?" She giggled, he started blushing, "Aw, Vince baby do I make you blush?" She teased, "Stop talkin to me like that," he said, "Or else what? Gonna get hard?" She laughed.

He swatted her butt making her yelp, "Hey! If I wanted a spanking I would've bent over," she said making him laugh.

He put her on the back of his bike and got on front, hopping on and revving it up, "Hold on tight baby girl," he said, she clung to his waist and buried her head in his neck as he drove off down the highway.

She kissed his neck as they stopped at a pair of lights. "Baby girl, stop that," he grumbled, she giggled while he sped off again.

She bit down this time making him gasp, he huffed and as they got there, he was covered in hickeys.

He walked her up to her house and put his foot in the door.
"Oh no Missy, you don't do that without a spanking," he said, she pouted and he picked her up, walking to the couch which was closest.

Let's just say, it didn't stop at a spanking.

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