Mick Mars #8 | Pain.

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Mick has been in pain for a while now. His back bent, he can't move his neck side to side and he never let's me help him.
"Babe?" I asked as I stood in front of him, he hummed and looked up at me, groaning from the pain in his neck.

"Do you want a coffee?" I asked, "Yes please baby," he sighed, I kissed his forehead and walked off, grabbing his mug, he has a specific mug that he drinks from, it says, 'Fuck off, I'm an old man' on it, Tommy gave it to him, what an interesting day that was.

I came back and put it on the table in front of me, "Thanks honey," he said scooting his chair closer to the table.

"Sit," he said patting his lap, "No your back," I pouted, "Oh shut up," he said and grabbed my waist, dragging me onto his lap and squeezing me gently.

"You're a silly old fart," I smiled making him chuckle, "I know you are," he smirked making me groan, he cackled making me giggle, "You're such a weirdo, but I love you," I smiled and put my forehead against his, "I love you too," he sighed and I pecked his lips.

"God, woman," he groaned, "What have I done now?" I chuckled, "You and your bloody kisses! Kiss me properly!" He pouted.

I giggled and kissed him softly.
"Happy now?" I asked, "Very, love you," he smiled making me giggle, "I love you too," I smiled and played with his hair.

"I'd love to marry you..." He murmured, I blushed and played with his fingers, the calluses on his fingers were rough in my hands.

"Really? What would I walk down the aisle to?" I smiled, "I don't know... 'Da ya think I'm sexy'?" He wiggled his brows making me laugh.

"If ya think I'm sexy," I sang, "And ya want my body," he sang making me giggle, "Come on baby let me know," we sang together and laughed.

"Mm, love you old fart," I smiled, "I love you too angel," he sighed as he rubbed my thighs.
"When are you gonna let me teach you guitar?" He asked, "Mm, when you propose," I smirked.

He rolled his eyes making me giggle. I'd let him teach me whenever, I'm just being a dickhead to stir him up.

I kissed his cheek and buried my face in his neck, "I'd love to see Tommy dancing around like an idiot at our wedding," I giggled making him laugh.

"And Vince drinking while Nikki is trying to find some girls," Mick chuckled, "Poor them... You're the only one not single," I said and poked his nose.

"I'm the only one with a hot girlfriend too," he smirked and bit his lip, "Mm, have I told you how hot you are?" I giggled and kissed his forehead, "Hotter then the other three," he winked making me snicker.

"No competition there," I said making him laugh.

"Introduce yourself," I said holding an Imaginary microphone which he pretended to suck off making me laugh.

"I'm Mick, the guitarist of doom," he said and smiled widely making me giggle.
"And Mick, the guitarist of doom, what type of woman do you like?" I asked, "Any with a pussy," he smirked and cackled mischievously making me giggle.

"I'm so happy I found you the day I did," I giggled making him chuckle, "Me too baby," he said as he moved my hair to look into my eyes.

"Such pretty green eyes..." He said, I blushed and smiled, "Such pretty grey eyes... And hair," I teased, "Oh shut up," he smiled making me giggle.

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