Tommy Lee #36 | Bad hair day.

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Tommy grumbled, waiting on his girlfriend, she, like him, is a rock star.
As so, it takes a while to get ready, the uniform, the hair, the makeup... Ugh.

She was grumbling in front of the mirror, her brush stuck in her hair.

"OH COME ON!" She yelled.

"Babe?" Tommy asked, slightly shocked by her outbreak as he knocked on the door.

"Yeah baby?" She sighed, "Can I come in?" He asked, "Yeah..." She grumbled.

As soon as he did he burst out laughing, she glared at him and threw a makeup sponge at him making him chuckle.

He gave small giggled as he wiped his tears of laughter away.
"Are you gonna help or not?" She snapped.

"Sheesh, keep your panties on," he huffed, "I thought you usually liked the opposite of that," she smirked.

"Oh I do," he smirked and sat behind her, untangling the brush before very gently brushing the hair that clumped up from being tugged so vigorously.

"Tommy?" She hummed, "Yeah babe?" He asked, "I love you," she smiled, "I love you too," he hummed and very lightly teased her hair with his fingers.

"Isn't it incredible, I mean... Hair is so complex," Tommy hummed, "Yeah, a pain in the ass you mean," she scoffed.

"That too," he chuckled softly and kissed her neck before grabbing the hair spray and putting her hair up.

"I love you, you fucking dork," he smirked, "I love you too motherfucker," she said and kissed him softly.

"Come on hot stuff," he said, she smirked and swayed her hips as she walked out the door.

Tommy, being the perv he is, couldn't help but stare as she swayed, "Damn baby," he said and pinched her bottom, "Hey, hands to yourself mister," she smiled and met up with her band mates.

Tommy doesn't mind that they're guys, as long as they don't hit on her.
"Come on dude," The drummer grumbled, "Ugh... Drummers," She scoffed, tossing her boyfriend a playful smile as he playfully glared back.

"You're so lucky I love you, go rock that shit tonight babe," Tommy said and kissed her softly.

"I will," she smiled and leaned in, "And when I'm done I'll rock your world," she smirked, winking up at him, he only smirked and ruffled her hair up.

The show was amazing.

But what came next, was even better...

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