2. It's her

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SHIP: Natepat

SUMMARY: Mat is dating Stephanie and Nate starts to become distant and is always upset but he won't tell the theorist what it is

GENRE: angst, sad

WARNING: mentions of depression


It was her

Everything about her made Nate feel so jealous, she was beautiful, funny kind and dating Mat the male that the ebony was deeply in love with. He remembered the day he'd told him, the giant smile on his face not knowing as he spoke he'd broken his best friend's heart, only he'd smiled and gone,
"I'm so happy for you." He'd lied through his teeth, Mat had no clue what was going through the ebony's head.

He hardly left his room anymore and his video updates became less recent, he usually didn't update for days on end. The male knew he was being dramatic but his heart was shattered in half.


Stephanie, Mat's girlfriend had no idea the affect she was having on Nate however she was the first to notice the strange change in his behaviour, she didn't ask him about it but deep down she was concerned about the musician. The female left it.

That day, Mat was on a date with Stephanie, he'd been speaking to Nate about it trying to ask the ebony for advice but he never answered his questions, he only ever said yes, no or I don't know. The theorist was starting to pick up on something being wrong but he chose not to push it and went out.

At the restaurant Mat couldn't push off the feeling that something was wrong,
"Steph have you noticed anything strange about Nate lately?" The female nodded slowly and a few things clicked into place,
"It's been ever since we started dating, you don't think it could be that do you?"
Mat wrapped an arm around Stephanie and squeezed her reassuringly but he didn't say anything.
"You should speak to him," She spoke again pure concern in her voice.
Mat nodded, he'd been planning on doing that anyway.


"Do you see my problem Brett?" The musician asked over his phone, the male on the other end of the line was silent for a few minutes trying to think of something to say to his friend.
"You should tell him, even if it doesn't do anything at least you'll be able to talk to him again."
Nate sighed heavily, he knew he knew he'd have to tell the theorist anyway.
"How should I tell him?" The ebony asked.

They spent the next hour with Brett giving his friend advice on how to tell Mat the way he felt, finally the ebony felt ready he took a deep breath and practiced in front of the mirror.


"So Mat, I've liked you for a long time, I know you've got Stephanie and I'm not asking you to leave her for me, I just want us to be able to move on from this," Nate practiced, he was terrified, he didn't want to lose his best friend. The ebony sat down and looked at himself disgusted, why did he have feelings for Mat? Why did he have to get in there way? Everything about him disgusted himself, he couldn't control his thoughts until finally he burst into tears.

"Useless, worthless, piece of crap," He yelled into the mirror slamming his fist down onto his knee, he let out a small yelp of pain as the tears continued running down his face.

The door clicked open and in walked a surprised looking Mat, the theorist saw his friend sitting in front of the mirror his eyes bloodshot and his face stained with tears, without thinking he raced over to his friend's side and wrapped his arms around the crying musician.
"Shh, Nate it's alright I'm here," He tried to comfort but the ebony pushed him away,
"It's never alright when you're around."
Mat just stared at Nate confused but the ebony just let out a small chuckle and ruffled the theorist's hair,
"Never mind me Mat." He stood up and walked into the kitchen choosing against confessing to the theorist.

Mat stayed seated confused by what had just happened however it just made him feel more determined to find out what was wrong with Nate. The theorist ran a hand through his hair and mumbled to himself before following Nate through to the kitchen. He saw the ebony with his body lent up against the cabinets, he was softly singing to himself. The theorist snuck up behind the ebony and grabbed him by the waist carrying him through to the living room and laying him down on the sofa they shared.
"We're not leaving this seat until you tell me what's going on," Mat took the musician's hand and forced him to look him in the eyes.
"You'd hate me," Nate whispered a few stray tears running down his face.
"I could never hate you, tell me what's wrong Nate please."

The ebony chocked on his next words but managed to eventually stutter them out,
"It's her."
Mat looked at him trying to understand his words,
"Wait, do you mean Stephanie?"
The musician slowly nodded.
"What's wrong with Steph, I thought you liked her," The theorist questioned still not understanding.
"She's so perfect and gorgeous, I'm jealous of her," He mumbled.
"Nathan Sharp you're perfect in your own way."
The musician shook his head and sighed,
"You're not getting it Mat."
The blond looked Nate right in the eyes and spoke gently,
"Then help me get it."

Nate looked at Mat for a few moments trying to think of a way to tell him, an idea popped into his head but it was stupid,
"Fuck it."
He grabbed the blond's head and smashed their lips together.

Mat completely froze up, he was shocked but the second he could collect his thoughts he pulled away from the ebony,
"Nate, I-I'm sorry I'm with Stephanie."
The musician nodded sadly,
"Trust me I know, I'm sorry Mat. I never expected you to leave her for me, don't worry I'll be moving out tomorrow I don't want to make things awkward between us."


The next day came and as soon as the dawn was upon the theorist he was awoken by a slam in the living room, he ran through and saw Nate with a suitcase, he didn't think he'd actually leave.

"Nate... please don't go," The theorist begged his friend but the ebony only shook his head. He looked awful, Nate's eyes were bloodshot and it looked like he'd been up all night.
"I don't want to lose you Mat so it's better this way, Stephanie can move in."

The theorist without thinking thrust his lips into the ebony's,
"It doesn't have to be awkward."
Nate just took Mat's hand and sighed before speaking,
"It's her, it'll always be her Mathew, you love her."
With those words he dragged his suitcase out the room and left.


Time passed and Stephanie and Mat broke up as she'd fallen in love with their close friend Jason but Mat had never been able to find Nate until one night his phone stared ringing and Brett's name flashed on the screen, he knew Brett was one of Nate's best friends so he hastily answered the phone.

"NATE!" He yelled unable to contain himself but the voice on the other end was that of Brett who sounded like he's been crying,
"Mat, I'm sorry it was too late. Nate's dead. Suicide. He left stuff for you, I thought I better call you, Mat I'm sorry."

The theorist fell to his knees and broke down.

Welp, that's not where that was suppose to go but
Next it's a Septiplier oneshot

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