161. Rich Boy II

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Smutty (at the beginning)
Mentions of drugs

As before I do not condone any of the things done in this OS

Also I randomly got the idea to continue it on my bus ride home lmao


Darkiplier had been held captive by Anti for about a week now... but things hadn't turned out as bad as he'd expected.

"Fuck~" Anti moaned as Dark thrusted deep inside of him releasing not too long after. He'd been using the man for his pleasure however Dark had been more than willing to agree to the attractive man's plans on one condition; he got to top. Now Anti was many bad things but a rapist was not one, he wouldn't have done anything without Dark's consent so he agreed to his terms. The rich boy found being held captive by Anti hadn't been that bad, he rather enjoyed it.

Dark released deep inside the man and collapsed next to him after pulling out, he could have at that moment tried to make a run for it considering Anti was too weak to actually do anything, he could overpower him and strangle the man and get away only Dark found he wasn't capable of doing any of these things. "God, that was good," Anti groaned laying next to the rich boy, "Im really going to miss you, rich boy, I've really grown to like you."

"Wait what do you mean you're going to miss me?" The rich kid bolted up and stared at the naked man next to him, remembering at once that he was being held captive, "You're not going to kill me are you?" Antisepticeye started laughing and shook his head, "Of course I'm not going to kill you... but I have a bid for you." That's when he had remembered that they'd discussed selling him before. "You're really going to sell me?! I thought you said you liked me!" Dark yelled, he didn't want to be bought by someone as he knew no one would be as kind to him as Anti was as despite the rough introduction he'd turned out to be rather kind. "I wouldn't like to sell you but you owe me six thousand and the man is offering ten thousand... that's profit, you could have paid rich kid."

"Stop calling me that! I didn't even want anything to do with them and their money... my friends put their tabs on me and I didn't know!" The rich boy yelled suddenly getting angry. He got up and looked at the naked man who just looked up at him with a smirk, "Go ahead try and kill me I know you can't... and I would love to keep you but I can't be seen as going soft plus you're known for betraying... you ran away from the people who you faked a kidnapping with, I don't trust you." Anti rolled over so he was no longer lying on his stomach but on his back, "If you really have the guts then do it... strangle me... I won't fight back."

But Dark couldn't do it. He'd fallen for the leader in the short time they'd spent together and he thought the feelings had been returned however they were not. Antisepticeye was still going to sell him and no amount of sex or love would prevent that.

"It's nothing personal it's just business."

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