174. This is what true love looks like

105 10 2


None this is just fluffy

This is literally just what I want in my life no lie



I want to build a blanket fort

I'm in

That was all it took for the two boys to start their project. Anti was staying over at Dark's that night and he had messaged him that from the bathroom and Dark had, in the time it took for Anti to get out the bathroom, gathered all their supplies which was masses of blankets and pillows. Anti giggled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek and got to work helping him build it.

It took a few attempts for them to get a steady structure that they could still see the TV from but eventually they managed to do it and honestly had anyone come in at that moment the living room would have looked a mess as stray blankets and cushions cluttered the floor. Anti had dragged his backpack into the fort and was searching inside it too find the snacks he'd brought with him before pulling them out and dumping them on the floor in front of him. Dark laughed and smiled at his boyfriend, "I'll order takeout... what you wanting?" He asked trying to crawl out from under the fort only to be tackled by Anti who wanted to cuddle with his boyfriend. "You," He mumbled, nuzzling him. "You can't eat me, baby, we need food. I promise I'll cuddle with you after," The taller boy took his phone and ordered some pizza to get delivered to the house and then crawled back under the fort. "See that wasn't too long, was it?"

The two got interrupted from their cuddles and kisses when the bell went for the food. "Go lay out the movies baby, I'll go get the food," Dark smiled and kissed his boyfriend's forehead before getting back out from under the fort to collect the food. "Fine but I'm still paying you for it!" Anti yelled after his boyfriend and lay out their selection of movies. The selection was a wide mix including, but not limited too, Coco, Love Simon, Ready Player One and a few other random ones they'd both picked up. Dark returned with the bags of food. "At least you didn't just order sides this time," Anti teased his boyfriend having previously made fun of him before for just ordering sides from a pizza place, hey it's not right, and Dark rolled his eyes but laughed. "And I've made an executive decision that we're watching Coco first."

The floor was cluttered with a pizza box with a few stray slices remaining, empty packets of crisps and chocolate wrappers the TV flickering away but the middle of the fort lay Dark and Anti cuddled into each other both fast asleep.

This is what true love looks like

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