94. Thinking of him

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Klance (lololol you guys must hate me rn)

Pretty sure you're good lmao I write these before the actual oneshot

I'm a filthy voltron fan if that wasn't made clear


"Fuckin' stupid ass gorgeous mullet," Lance muttered. Of course he was thinking about Keith again, what else could his brain possibly conjure up besides thoughts of the red paladin and him. The thoughts weren't dirty, no they were never dirty, they were of him and angsty emo holding hands, kissing or just imagining what it would be like to date Keith. He knew that Keith would never date him though and these thoughts just caused his heart to ache cause he knew they would never be a reality.

He'd had his chance and blown it. Keith had almost been his and then in a panic Lance had declared that he hated the red paladin and that his interest was only in the female gender, yes he'd said it exactly like that, Keith had appeared hurt and rather quickly exited the room. Ever since that day things between the two had been uncomfortable, sure they spoke but only because they had to or Shiro would get involved and neither wanted a lecture from space dad especially not Lance cause he was aware he was in the wrong - for saying he hated Keith and for the way he had handled things.

The pain of heartbreak was honestly what he deserved in his opinion and he knew he should just move on but truthfully he had been pining for Keith since the Garrison, he couldn't let go of his feelings for his self-proclaimed rival. The only way to get the mullet out of his head was to man-up and face his feelings but he was completely terrified or rejection especially since Keith had recently said to him, and everyone else but that's not important because Lance felt it was targeted mostly at him, that he wasn't looking for love and was just going to pay attention to defending the universe.

Swallowing his fear the Latino went to Keith's room using his handprint to open the door. At the sound of the door whirling open the red paladin looked up to see Lance. He cocked an eyebrow in confusion, "What do you want McClain?" Lance didn't say a word and instead walked over to Keith bed and without truly thinking about it sloppily locked lips with his rival. Keith took a second to realise what was going on before kissing back.

Eventually the two had to pull apart. "That was awkward," Keith chuckled softly before resting his head against Lance's smiling, "Wanna try that again sharpshooter?"

"You're on Mullet."

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