51. Mistletoe Kisses

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AmyxSinge (Why the fuck not)

Still sleepy and idk what I'm even doing anymore. I feel like this might be ruining the book... Oh my god should I just make a book for random shit I write when I'm half asleep? Idk man

I don't even know this ship name but Singe and Amy are bae 😂 who TF says bae anymore... Apparently me



"Mark! Are Seán and Singe going to be here soon?!" Amy asked her best friend seeming excited. She tugged on his t-shirt causing him to chuckle, "Yes they should be here in under ten minutes." He smiled at her childlike attitude, he knew about the female's crush on Singe. He planned on helping her in anyway that he could. A plan came to mind and it made him smirk, there was no way it could fail.

Singe fixed her hair for about the fifth time using her phone's camera as a mirror. Seán rolled his eyes and laughed, "You look fine, why are you stressing anyway?" She turned and gave him a look that could kill, "because I-I just wanna look good okay?" Smirking he nudged her and said, "You sure it's not because you want to look good for someone." "Shut up!" She huffed and shoved him.

They shortly arrived at Mark and Amy's shared home. Not bothering to knock on the door they just walked in (because what are manners amiright?) taking the two by surprise. Amy fell into Singe causing the female to gasp and fall backwards. Mark grabbed mistletoe and held it above their heads and they shared a kiss.

What the fuck am j even doing

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