163. Rich Boy IV

107 11 3


Mentions of drugs

This is the final part to my baby


It had all gone according to plan.

Antisepticeye had fallen in love with Darkiplier hence why he saved him from the bidder. This had been what he had intended to happen. He knew Antisepticeye's ways and that he would put Darkiplier up for bidding however if everything went according to plan he would be charmed by Dark's good looks and fall for him. Everything had almost gone wrong when Anti had put Dark up on the market and had almost sold him to the pervert... or at least it had appeared that way at the time in reality the plan worked out better than expected.

Antisepticeye had fallen madly in love with Dark but it took him a while to trust him. Once he did Anti revealed a lot about the criminal underworld works and how to get away with things. He also showed Dark where the money was stored... the ten thousand, or the eight thousand after he'd been given Dark some money, they'd previously taken and the money from the drug deals which added up to a lovely five digit number. The money filled numerous suitcases and each case, duffle-bag and kit was as full as they could possibly be. He'd hit the jackpot. This was going better than he'd planned.

The 'couple' slept in the same bed together without any guards, the first few nights when Dark was officially a free-man and choosing to stay there Anti had kept his guards in the next room but now that he trusted Dark he dismissed them, that was Anti's fatal mistake. One night Anti was having an especially bad dream and everything felt so real he could feel something cold pressed against his head and with his heart pounding he'd woken up... only what he'd been feeling wasn't a dream because in the dim lightening of the bedroom he could see Dark had a gun pressed against Anti's head. The leader was frozen in place out of fear, "D-Dark," He managed to stutter out. The rich boy laughed, "How cute... now you're the weak one." Anti didn't much appreciate that, "What's going on?" He asked. "Well, baby, you played right into my hands, didn't you? I'd heard the rumours about you and naturally you know that you're the richest person in the country, despite supposedly being a legend, so at first I believed I could steal from you and use your money to pay off my debts... only now I see you've payed them off for me but that's not good enough Anti... you see I love you but there's one thing I love more and that's money," Dark pressed the gun harder against Anti's head, "My parents won't give me anything considering I'm a recovering crackhead and I figured who else is better to blame but the drug cartel leader... that would be you. So I decided from the beginning that it was your money I was after. I would get you to fall in love with me so that you'd give me a massive cut... I originally didn't plan to kill you."

Anti wanted to run but he felt like he couldn't. Nothing would move. He was in shock, he could only speak, "Why didn't you take the money I gave you and leave?" He asked. "That wasn't good enough after all the pain you've caused and after I saw the amount you have... and I would leave you alive, my love, but then you'll spread what a bad boy I've been," Dark cackled and locked his finger around the trigger, "So as you so eloquently put a few months back; it's nothing person it's just business." With that he pulled the trigger and Anti's world went black. He had to admit going that had hurt because he genuinely had fallen for the leader but it had to be done.

He grabbed all the bags and suitcases he could manage and met his ride outside. Trust me when I tell you that they tried to find Darkiplier after the next day Anti's body was discovered along with the missing cases and bags of money. He'd stolen a whopping five million and made a break for it. They searched for a long time but it was like he'd never existed in the first place, he reached the same level of myth that Anti had.

You think you can catch Darkiplier? You think a guy like that comes this close to getting caught and sticks his head out? ... my guess is you'll never hear from him again.

And like that... he's gone.

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