57. Mad Hatter

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I want cheesecake

️I originally wrote this as a Phan oneshot but changed it for the purpose of this oneshot because I wasn't sure if you'd all want a Phan oneshot



I've seen a world unlike any of you've seen

[ Nate ]

"Day one," He grumbled getting to his feet from the hospital bed, he ran a hand through his hair glad it had managed to stay straight unlike his posture which was causing him to shake.

He pulled his shirt sleeves down to cover his arms and any signs of life he showed. The ebony went to wander around the hospital taking in his surroundings, he'd been submitted late the pervious night and hadn't much of a chance to look around, his brother had admitted him out of fear.

The hospital was bleak and dull the patients showed barely any signs of being alive, sure they were breathing and their hearts were beating but their faces emotionless and their voices low no happiness. Sadness spread through every room in the hospital like the plague.

Two males sat together, one cuddled into the others chest and a female sat by their side as if she was protecting the two from whatever the hospital would throw at them. Her eyes fell upon the ebony, she sent him a warning glare but then raised a hand and beckoned him forward.

On closer inspection Nate could see one of the boys was crying, he had soaked his friends t-shirt but he didn't seem to care, he gently stroked the crying males hair trying to comfort him.

"You're Nathan Sharp the new kid right?" The female barked making Nate jump at the sudden noise.
"It's just Nate," He mumbled.

She ran a hand through her black hair and sneered, his eyes immediately fell to the bandages on her arms. He didn't question her instead he opted to just stare.

"Of course just Nate, I'm Emma - Emma Blackery, I'd say it's a pleasure but given the set location I can't really."

"I'm Mark... this is Jack," The black-haired male informed the ebony he gestured towards the crying male.

Emma began to walk around the new male taking in everything from his posture to the size of the gaps between his legs when he stood normally.

"Your full name is Nathan Sharp already confirmed by the look of you, you're twenty seven biologically male, I'm going to guess you're here because of depression, a bad case too."

He looked at her in shock for a minute before wiping it off and plastering a neutral expression on his face.

Mark had gone back to comforting Jack, he was rubbing his back and holding his hand, squeezing it every now and again.

"It'll be time for the medicine soon, that means Mathew will be throwing a fit," The female stated calmly towards her two friends.

"Mathew?" Nate questioned mostly asking himself he couldn't recall much from the night before only that his brother had woken him from his sleep at ten his eyes bloodshot demanding he join him on a nightly drive, Nate's brother had been living in fear for a few months and wanted his brother to get help so had forcefully driven him there.

"Em! Who's the new kid?" A voice yelled across the room they were in curiously. A brunet with a black-haired male appeared, the slightly shorter one studied the newest patient up and down.

"I'm Nate," he introduced himself with a wave making the black-haired chuckle and hold out his hand, "Phil and this giant over here is my best friend Dan."

Nothing seemed wrong with any of these people, they seemed more 'normal' than the humans he'd been forced to live with everyday if his life. Something about them was so sane almost like they knew all the worlds secrets and weren't willing to share. They were alive and they knew it, they bathed in it and Nate although he wouldn't admit it, he envied it.

"Seán McLoughlin, you're always crying when I find you, stop being such a baby, it's time for your medicine, come with me," A nurse grabbed the Irish male's hand dragging him away from Mark and down the corridor opening a door on the left and walking in.

He'd seemed so scared. This place was a house of madness, everything was so inhuman.

The walls weren't as bleak as they first appeared they were coated with fresh blood and the sound of screaming was on a permeant repeat.

The female and the black-haired male were furiously writing away at a piece of paper snagged away from a table to the right side of them, the two seemed as if they were almost in a trace. Dan who must have been use to this took a few steps back and came closer to the newer patient.

"Their usually like this, probably a new escape plan. You may think you're getting out of here but trust me you're not. You can always ask Em or Mathew when you meet him, which should be soon."

Nobody had mentioned this Mathew to him and it made the ebony wonder who he was and what he'd been diagnosed with seeing as everyone treated him like a threat.

"Nathan Sharp it's time for your medicine."


"I'm telling you, we've got to get out of here this place will keep us trapped here," A burnet male explained to a young group of children who cowered at his words.

As much as they looked up to Mathew they also feared him practically everyone did, only the ones he considered his friends did not.

The hospital to him was a colourful place somewhere he must escape it made it more fun, blood splattered the walls hiding messages only he could see.

Mat was the one who wandered that world trying to find a happier meaning to the duller hospital Mathew had to live in. He was his own worse enemy every visit to the darker world made him crave for freedom and for the darkness to fully consume him.

A nurse walked in frowning at Mathew,
"Mathew Patrick what have I told you about leaving your room without permission. You've scared the younger children. Don't listen to Mat he's just having a joke isn't that right." She elbowed him in the ribs.

Mathew rolled his eyes and put on a giant smile,
"Well I'm just trying to scare you guys."

The younger children giggled softly finding it funny. One of the smaller boys Dil came over and tugged on Mathew's leg,
"Mat... sorry Mathew there is a new patient."

"Oh really."

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