80. My little Angel II

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Part 2 of my little angel

I just hope you enjoy this :3
And I'm working on writing suggestion chapters now so if anyone has any ideas I love to hear them and if you've already made a suggestion it should be coming your way soon



Earth had changed a lot from what Dark remembered. Wade pulled at the black t-shirt he was wearing making sure the scars on his stomach weren't visible. 
"GO BUY SOME CLOTHES YOU CREEP PEOPLE LIKE YOU DISGUST ME!" A random man on the street barked at Dark who only at this moment realised he was shirtless. He rolled his eyes at the man and muttered to his teammates, "Definitely not an Angel." He traced a finger across his belt which contained a flesh blade, a stake, a gun and a small knife he probably looked like a terrorist yet nobody questioned him on his belt. A few people groaned about the fact that he was shirtless others just stared at his abs.

Wade flashed a grin at Vamp and Dark. "What you grinning at?" The shortest member of the group asked. Wade didn't reply but only waved what appeared to be car keys on his middle finger and smirked, "Swiped it from some unsuspecting teenager." The car lights of a beaten up Porsche went off, "Not to bad." Vamp hopped in front of the car snatching the keys from Wade and wrapping his fingers around the steering wheel. "VAMP YOU WERE THE WORST IN ALL OF HELL AT DRIVING!" Wade snapped.

"Tch. Do you know how to shut up? Just let him drive we haven't got time to waste!"

Wade rolled his eyes and pulled a dirty scrap of paper out of his pocket with an address on it. "88 Oak street," he read his eyes widening.  A name was appeared as if by magic underneath the address reading 'Seán McLoughlin' he hid it from Dark.

"There's no use hiding it. I already read the name," Dark looked at Wade and Vamp. Vamp shot a small look of sympathy, "We can always miss him out."

Dark hitched his breath he looked at the name for a while something pulled at his heartstrings he cared about Seán he was his lover's counterpart. "It's our job we've got to kill him," Dark gritted his teeth slightly as if saying the words caused him pain.

Wade put a hand one Dark's shoulder. "I'm sorry we have to do this." Dark kept a stoic expression acting like he didn't care although his actions showed all his caring. His hands reached up to the key around and wrapped around it like he did for comfort sometimes.

Vamp who was driving cursed slightly as he knocked over a man. Vamp was quick to stop the car and run over to the man. 
The man got to his feet and looked at Vamp a smile grew on his face and his eyes widened that's when Dark realised it was Robin he'd been a friend of Seán and Anti's.

"Robin?," Dark whispered getting out of the battered car.


The two stared at each other awkwardly for a minute or two before Dark sighed and decided to question Robin. "Robin..." He trailed off. Robin looked at Dark a guilty look shone in eyes. "Anti is here but he doesn't remember anything."

Dark's breath hitched slightly as his fingers recurled themselves around the key. Trying his hardest to keep his stoic expression he spoke with little emotion showing his voice, "Where is the beast?"

Robin stopped not speaking for a while as if deciding if he should tell Dark and to be honest that is what he was thinking however Robin knew how much the demon loved his best friend. "He's with Jp I'll take you to them," The man smiled his eyes darted back and forth nervously as they finally rested on Wade who flashed Robin a small smile.

Vamp clapped his hands and jumped up and down being bouncy as per usual. "Vamp," Levi scowled hitting the back of his head and Robin held them to a house a few houses down from their target.

Nobody said anything on the way to the house as Robin rapped his knuckle against the door in a knocking motion. Jp opened the door he didn't look any different from 100 years ago he looked at Robin a smile tugged on the side of his lips until she saw their guests. "Darkiplier," Jp spat his voice filled with hatred. Dark pushed past him and walked into the house not caring all he wanted was to see Anti.

"Why is he here?!" Jp hissed at Robin trying his best to stay silent but failing really badly. Wade and Vamp walked in awkwardly unsure exactly of what to do. "It's been a while," Wade started trying to make conversation.


Anti who was in the third room to the right upstairs which was also is bedroom was lying back trying to relax his brain he felt like he was missing something or someone. He'd woken in hospital a mere four days ago and had been told he'd fallen from a building that was six stories high and apparently he was lucky to still be alive.

The ex-demon could hear the voice of the man - Jp who'd found him complaining about something that he couldn't quite understand nor hear frankly it didn't bother him. Anti allowed his thoughts to consume him once more his eyes darting across the room of their own accord.

The door flung open almost coming off the hinges by the amount of force it had been pushed by standing in the doorway was a man with raven black hair and in Anti's opinion he was quite attractive. A frantic look lay on his face he wiped his forehead beads of sweat came off on his hand, "Tch filthy."

This seemed oddly familiar to Anti but he couldn't quite place his finger on where he'd heard that line before or where he'd seen this man before. The man hadn't seemed to notice Anti lying on his bed and he sat down on the bed hiding his head in his hand and groaned out something along the lines of, "I'll never find him."

"Why exactly are you in my room?" Anti questioned attractive or not this man was in his bedroom without his permission. The man looked up and seeing Eren his whole face lighting up at the sight of the boy. "Anti," He breathed with a smirk on his face. "Who are you?" He asked the strange man.

The raven haired shorter male winched at the question he stood up taking a few steps towards the doorway before exiting the room he just hung his head and sighed, "I'm no one."

With that comment the strange male left Anti's room leaving him with one question. 'Who the fuck is that guy?'


Jp and Robin will still arguing about the fact that Robin had let Dark into the house to see his lover.

Dark came down the stairs his head hung low hiding the pain he knew was in his eyes everyone stared at him as they noticed the short male enter the room again. "He doesn't remember me."

"I'm sorry but I did tell you," Robin put a hand on Dark's shoulder which ended with the demon pushing the man away from him. "Get off of me."

Vamp started laughing but then stopped at the realisation that Anti didn't remember Dark. "We'll make him remember you he'll fall in love with you again."

Wade came over to Dark with the look in his eyes the shorter male knew this wasn't good news. "D-Dark..." Wade stuttered and he never stuttered so this must be bad.

He held out the tattered piece of paper which had once read Seán McLoughlin now read 'Anti McLoughlin' he felt his heart break in two.

He'd have to kill his angel.

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