166. Day Off

98 6 16


None boyos just fluff

This is for ScottyGonzaela love you babe xx



On the only day they were both meant to have off Virgil had been called into work. He had promised his boyfriend that he wouldn't be too long and had grabbed his keys and ran out the door, thinking if he got there quickly he could get back home quickly, leaving Roman behind.

Unfortunately that day happened to be an extremely cold day which was bad for Roman as he usually cuddled up with Virgil whenever he was feeling cold not necessarily because the anxious boy provided warmth but because he felt at home there and the cold didn't matter so much. He also felt lonely, he'd been looking forward to a day of relaxing with his boyfriend, watching movies and cuddling as they normally did on days off. Roman huddled up under Virgil's large amount of blankets like seriously how many blankets did one person need? But hey, at least they were helpful for when it was cold.

Roman tried to distract himself by watching random YouTube videos but that didn't exactly help he wanted to be with his boyfriend so he sent him a few texts for Virgil to receive when he checked his phone (his work made him put it in a locker). Time seemed to pass extremely slowly and half an hour felt more like three hours, the day felt like it was dragging on and Roman's loneliness and need for affection just grew.

Eventually he heard the door open at near six o'clock and his boyfriend had returned home, slightly tired from work but mostly feeling incredibly guilty that their day off had been ruined. "Roman, I'm so sorry," Virgil mumbled when he saw his boyfriend cuddled up under the big pile of blankets. Originally Roman was going to pretend to be mad but seeing his boyfriend he couldn't be so instead he practically jumped on him, knocking them both to the floor, and started cuddling him and kissing him. "I'm sorry Princey I'll do anything to make it up to you," Virgil mumbled lightly kissing Roman's face. Now usually Roman's inappropriate mind would have taken over there but he was so desperately wanting cuddles that he decided that he just wanted his boyfriend to cuddle with him.

The couple ended up ordering takeout and just cuddled together on the sofa where Roman chose a movie for them both to watch... although neither were really watching it as they were too focused on giving each other kisses. Roman tried to pay attention a few times but Virgil would just turn his face so his boyfriend would have to kiss him.

This was how they liked it.

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