180. His reflection staring back at him

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Natepat (now y'all can be nice to meee)


I'm writing natepat so please be nice to me

Also whilst you're here, obviously after you've read this oneshot, check out ScottyGonzaela 's stories (especially their random stories book) shameless plug from a loving partner (btw it was actually me @midgetackerman that wrote this oneshot incase anyone gets confused)



Nate stared at his reflection in the mirror and winced. He hated what he saw staring back at him, he hated the chest which had slight bulge even though it wasn't exactly noticeable, he hated the soft pink lips which made a frown and he hated the curvy feminine look to his body. The reflection staring back at him wasn't who he was instead it was a lie he'd been forced to live for so long. He was coming out of his shell and being more open, his boyfriend Mathew or Mat as he preferred to be called had been so accepting when Nate had said he didn't feel female all the time and had actually helped him discover what it was... or what Nate had thought it was at first but the more he came to terms with it the more he realised who he was and that maybe it wasn't what he'd originally thought.

Mat looked after his boyfriend and was honestly the sweetest person in Nate's life and he loved him greatly, he honestly couldn't ask for anyone better. Mat was a clever man and he knew all the steps to make his boyfriend more comfortable with who he was and he taught Nate that it was all okay. That didn't stop the musician worrying about his parents though because if they found out the truth he was more than certain he would be out on the streets but they didn't seem to notice or care about Nate's small steps forward; they liked the haircut and didn't question when he bought male clothing he assumed they didn't know.

Mat made sure that Nate knew that what his reflection showed didn't define who he is. There wasn't anything about Nate's appearance he couldn't alter to be more happy with and Mat would support him every step of the way. Nate wasn't exactly the best at being open with people, he could barely even speak to himself about his problems or fears never mind someone else so instead he would write it down in his notes or in a notebook and he could reflect on it later to see if he still felt that way or if it had improved... he took steps towards self-care because he realised it's not selfish to want to look after yourself no matter what his mind tells him. He was starting to be more open with Mat too because he knew he could trust him, he sent him a paragraph of some of the things which worried him because he didn't want to be accused of fake breakdowns when he really couldn't control his emotions... he was many things but he didn't fake emotions about people and he didn't do things to make himself the victim because both of those pissed him off.

He was growing stronger with in himself and one day he knows the reflection staring back at him will be the one he desires... he just hopes Mat sticks around to see him grow because he is an inspiration to him.

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