143. Please Forgive Me

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No ship

Mentions of death

Again writing this in school lmao cause I'm sentimental and I needed to get this out so I genuinely upset myself because I'm smart lol but I feel better now after I had the fire alarm and missed most of politics so I got to mess around with my girlfriend and friend


"Please forgive me for whatever I do, when I don't remember you."

Do you ever wish you could turn back time and do something different?
Say something, act sooner, remind someone how much they mean to you. Time is a thing that cannot be measured, you never truly know how long you've got, how long someone else has, how long you'll be with someone you love. But then you forget or you change and the voice that you heard every morning no longer rings through your ears. It's a terrifying thing, speaking to someone and the next day reviving the news that they're gone. Things can't be listened to the same way they use to be and dumb little things that are seemly meaningless mean everything to you.

Time passes and people believe you should be over it but it's not easy as that. It still hurts as if the wound was fresh and you want to express it but no one really listens or wants to talk about it, cancer, death it's a big taboo subject and it shouldn't be.

You can no longer watch things you once loved without bursting into tears and it feels like a massive part of you is missing. Everything just feels like it's going downhill from there and being around people but feeling miles away becomes the norm. You don't want to talk about it because it's been so long and it seems like a grab for attention and that's what you're terrified of, even though you have a feeling that people will understand.

Sick dealing with the same shit over and over again, it causes lashes to happen, it's not just the constant thought that they're watching and are disappointed but everything piles on top of these feelings. You feel so much that you think you might explode.

And what happens if you forget them?

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