160. Rich Boy

163 11 2


Mentions of drugs

I thought this would be fun to write even though I'm meant to be sleeping lmao

Also just so we're clear I do in no way support anything mentioned in this oneshot



Darkiplier had fucked up and he'd made some major mistakes.

He owed some bad, powerful people a lot of money... six thousand to be exact and he had no way of getting it. He'd tried to mooch off of his mega rich parents but once they found about about his drug addiction and insane sex life they refused to give him a single solitary cent. This caused some massive problems for Dark who had promised these people the money and had not been able to get it.

That's why he was in the position he was in now. He had a hemp bag over his head and his hands were bound by rope. He had attempted to fake a kidnapping in order to get ransom money to pay his debt however... it hadn't exactly gone to plan. His parents had still refused to pay up even despite the threat of their son's life. The fake kidnapping instead had just made it easier for the people to keep a hold of him.

"This is why you shouldn't make promises you can't keep Fischbach," a voice laced with an Irish accent hissed. That made Dark gulp, he'd only heard rumours about this man but he knew that he ruled the entire underground and was extremely powerful. This must have been the person who all his debts had added up to. Antisepticeye was a name that was only ever whispered and nobody truly knew if he was a man or a myth... no one who met him and owed him anything had lived to tell the tale. "It's not my fault," Dark desperately defended and truthfully it hadn't been, his friends had always said that Fischbach would pay because they knew he was a rich kid... even though he had refused the money and ran away at such a young age. Technically Dark's only fault was his addiction.

"Oh please beg more... I enjoy it when my pray begs," Dark could practically hear the smirk in the man's voice, "Take the bag off his face, I want to see him properly." With that the hemp bag was lifted and the sight surprised both men. Neither had ever seen the other in person, Dark because no one had ever seen Antisepticeye and Antisepticeye had never seen Dark up close. It would be a lie if the chocolate brown eyes and dark bangs didn't make Antisepticeye heart thump away in his chest, the man was attractive but he owed him money. The sight of Antisepticeye wasn't at all what Dark had expected, the man had bright green hair and one blue eye and one green eye... he was also quite short which was maybe the reason why he never let anyone live to tell the tale of him... he didn't look intimidating and Darkiplier honestly found his appearance rather cute.

"Those weren't lied about you being an attractive man Fischbach," Antisepticeye spoke his words falling off his tongue with ease and the way he spoke was so smooth Dark could feel himself falling for it, "I think I'll keep you around for a while... I won't kill you yet... we'll see if you can pay me back in another fashion instead." Honestly Darkiplier was willing to do anything if it kept him alive for longer plus the leader was rather hot. "Well do you agree or not? I'll keep you alive anyway I'm sure I can high price for you for someone... especially considering how attractive you are." He traced a hand down the side of the male's face, his smirk widening. "God you'll be worth a fortunate on the black market even if your parents don't pay up... I think you're my ticket out of this place and to a better life." The captured man raised an eyebrow but did not question Antisepticeye... he was too scared of being killed.

"Lock him up boys I'll deal with him later, I've got to let Die know I got his message," Antisepticeye pulled out a gun he'd had hanging off his belt and pressed it against Darkiplier's head, "And any funny business, boy, and I'll have no problem shooting your brains out."

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