59. Lie Detector

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Mark can only tell the truth
Jack can only tell a lie

I was going to write this as a full story but assumed it wouldn't be liked enough to work as one



Blood curling screams were all that could be heard from Mark Edward Fishbach's house as the male sat on the couch with Wade and Bob watching a horror film. The redhead male pointed at the screen and laughed,
"That's stupid, none of this is believable at all."
"Well if Mr. Truther said it we know it's right," Wade sniggered. Bob's laughter filled the air as he looked at his two friends.

"Shut up guys, it's not my fault," Mark whined at the two male's who were laughing at him.
"Yeah, we know," Bob chuckled ruffling the black- haired male. The Korean moaned annoyed,
"Push off Bob, I care about you!" Mark slapped himself in the head,
"Damn it!"

The male sniggered,
"Don't try to insult me, we both know it doesn't work." The male sighed annoyed his 'problem' could be a curse at times, quite a lot of the time. Wade grinned at his two idiotic friends, he swayed his hand over their heads.

The three directed their attention back to the screen watching the horror film flickering onward. Cliché screams came from the woman who was getting stabbed.
"Seriously?! Who screams like that? Bad actors clearly," Mark commented snorting. Bob chuckled at his friend's statement,
"Must be true."


"Well that was shit," Mark groaned yawning tired from the day's events. Wade had fallen asleep on the sofa and Bob was gently waking him up. "Time for bed everyone," Bob grinned widely shaking the sleepy male. Wade woke up and frowned obviously annoyed at being awoken but he got up. "Alright night." He said to his to friends. "Night Wade your a douche," Mark laughed. Bob chuckled, "If he says it then it must be true."
The three went up to their separate rooms, not ready for what they were to face in the night.


The night passed by completely undisturbed, the next morning Mark woke and got upstairs heading down to the kitchen to cook breakfast for himself, the others could cook their own he decided.

Bob came down not much later after Mark however there was no sign of Wade.
"We should scare him awake!" Mark smirked. "Yes!" Bob agreed smirking along with his friend. The two went and formed a plan to scare their friend, that's what he gets for sleeping in too long anyway when they have a busy day of recording video games ahead.

However when they opened the door to Wade's room what they were greeted with wasn't a sleeping Wade. The floor was drenched in blood and dismembered body parts scattered the floor, both males screamed seeing their friend like this and immediately called the police before crying without stopping until they arrived.


A green haired male was the first to enter through the door, "Hey, the names not Seán McLoughlin and never ever call me Jack." That was his greeting. A police officer from behind him spoke, "Jack can only tell a lie but he's one of the smartest on our force if anyone can find out who murdered your friend its him."

"It's awful to meet you, now show me the body," Jack shook both Mark and Bob's hands. Mark immediately took a disliking to the male and vowed to find out who killed Wade himself.

The boy who could only tell the truth
The boy who can only lie

Who will find out the truth first

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