117. So similar yet so different

229 6 14

Thalia x Keith (I swear to fuck you guys are getting Danti next and this is probably gonna to be a two-parter)

Season 2 spoilers (but I think everyone knows this anyway)

Don't agree to do requests cause you get harassed until you do them... love ya really ScottyGonzaela (I'm emotionally and psychically drained and currently want to face-plant in my pillow and go to sleep) and this actually wasn't originally going to be a two-parter but reading it over and thinking whilst writing it, this might be best suited for two parts

ScottyGonzaela Thalia's character is slightly more badass and more like a villain in this part but spoiler alert she will have massive character development in the second part but I hope you like it <3

1758 (can't really decide if I'm proud of this or not)


"There's another Galra hybrid?" Keith asked slightly skeptical as he eyed the aliens they'd recently saved from Zarkon's ship. It was abundantly clear to the aliens that Keith didn't believe them. "It's true great paladin, the galra empire created her to even the battle field," One of the aliens spoke up, jolting back in fear as Keith banged his hand on the table in front of them out of frustration, he had basically been interviewing them like he was the police. "That sounds like Zarkon," Keith stated, his voice monotone as he hid his emotions and feelings of curiosity although it was obvious to his team what the leader was going to insist they do next. Lance, the pilot of the red lion, was the first one to speak up, "You want us to attempt to rescue her, don't you?" His eyes held sympathy as he looked at the pilot of the black lion, he knew that Keith just wanted to meet someone who was the same as him. "Yes but only so that she won't cause us trouble in the future," The leader boomed, using a loud tone to cover up how he actually felt, "As they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer." Pidge frowned, "Not literally... you know what fine but if we end up dying I'll kill you."

The so-called rescue mission was quickly planned for the next day the plan being formed by Pidge (#Pidgeforblackpaladin) and approved by Keith. The team set off to find Zarkon's ship which was nothing out of the usual for them as they'd spent the past few days on missions rescuing aliens from Zarkon's ship this would be nothing new only that this mission seemed to mean a lot more to Keith than the previous rescue missions had. Pidge and Allura preformed a distraction for the team which allowed them to board the ship with ease honestly it was like they weren't even trying, or it was just lazy writing, anyway the point is that Keith, Lance and Hunk all got aboard the Galra ship no problem. The black paladin eyed his team up and down as if inspecting them before sending them off in different directions of the ship giving them the order to contact him if he found the hybrid.

The problem was that Zarkon's ship was essentially a maze and although the paladins of Voltron had been aboard this ship on numerous occasions they still couldn't find their way around it. Lance, however with a great deal of luck, managed to stumble into the prisoner quarters which weren't quite inhuman but were very close to it the prisoners there survived on bare minimum. There were various different alien species trapped in the cells on the ship and each one let out a desperate cry to the red paladin begging him to rescue them and Lance wanted to, he truly did, but he couldn't as there was no possible way to board all the aliens onto the five lions they piloted especially considering that two of lions were being used as a distraction. He inspected all the cages but none seemed to contain the galra hybrid however he did find a girl who looked rather human or at least had a human looking behind as she appeared to be looking out of a window, located on her cell wall, quite literally staring into space. She was extremely pale perhaps from a lack of sunlight and had dark brown hair flowing down her back. The red paladin secured his signature flirtatious smirk on his face and leaned against the bars of her cell, "Hey there beautiful, what do you say we break you out of here?~" The girl seemed to stiffen slightly hearing an unrecognisable voice speak to her and turned to face the stranger... that was when Lance screamed. On the right side of her face the girl appeared normal however when she faced the red paladin he noticed that the left side of her face was blotched and slightly morphed although with being a light twinge of purple very similar to Keith's skin when he changed form, her left eye was golden and was the same shape as a galra's along with her right ear being similar to that of a galra's too. "Hey Keith... I think I found your hybrid," Lance said through the communication device, his voice shaking out of genuine fear, she was unlike anything he'd ever seen in his life - sure she had similar features to Keith but at the same time she was so different. The hybrid didn't seem overly impressed with Lance's reaction and she raised an eyebrow, "Are you trying to get caught or something? That's the only thing screaming is going to achieve."

Keith, on the other-hand, was currently tracing where Lance's call had come from. The second he traced it he beamed up a map of the ship, a dot appearing at Lance's location along with the route of how to get to the prisoner quarters from where he was. The black paladin then raced off in that direction fighting and defeating the few galra he encountered on the way. The first thing he noticed when he got to the quarters was that Lance was backed away from the cell and appeared to be looking anywhere but in it. Keith prepared himself to come face to face with the worse but instead he was greeted by a girl who at this point seemed to be crying? The black paladin honestly couldn't tell. He walked over to the bars and laced his fingers around them, gripping onto the thin metal which separated the two hybrids. "I'm Keith Kogane and I'm a paladin of Voltron, me and my fellow teammates are here to recuse you if you will allow us Miss." Keith always spoke professionally when it came to doing his job however Lance noticed a certain waver in his voice when he spoke to the hybrid. The red paladin was, however, skeptical of the girl but that could just be a side affect to his shock from her appearance. "We shouldn't be so hasty to break her out Keith... maybe we should wait for Hunk?" Lance suggested but his suggestion fell flat as Keith had already managed to open the cell door.

Turns out that Lance's suggestion should have been taken into consideration as the second she was out of her cage the hybrid lunged at Keith successfully managing to nab his bayard. There was one fatal flaw with her plan was the bayard didn't work for her but nevertheless she still had Keith's weapon and form of self-defence within her hands. "You will help me escape and then you will give me one of your ships," She demanded, holding the bayard behind her back. The hybrid had been trained how to fight by at least half of the galra empire so she could easily fight/defend herself if the need arose however she wanted a semi-peace agreement with the Voltron paladins. Keith wasn't known to have a good temper at the best of times but right now he was steaming, he'd only been trying to help and now here she was trying to act like she could tell him what to do HIM the leader of Voltron. The black paladin moved without even registering it and in a flash he had her up against the wall his forearm pressed into her throats threatening to choke her. The bayard fell from her hands making a rather loud sound as it clattered to the ground. After that everything moved in slow motion as the girl kicked her foot upwards hitting Keith directly in his nether-region causing the male to double-over in pain, Lance didn't do anything to help and only winced watching the leader of his team get his ass kicked as it was rather amusing to be honest.

The girl smirked, "And you call yourself the head of Voltron? You're supposed to be the defenders of the universe yet here you are... on your hands and knees after being beaten by me," She leaned down so that she was face to face with him, "Looks like you've met your match Kogane." She stood up fully giving an almost threatening look to Lance as if challenging him to try and fight her and honestly the red paladin would have been willing to do it had Keith not looked up at him and shook his head, "Stand down Lance." "The name's Thalia by the way and I hope you don't mind if I steal your ride home," The hybrid yelled back to the two paladins as she walked away, smirking almost menacingly. Her heels clicked against the ship's floor causing Keith to shudder, he'd been defeated and by someone who was so like him. Thalia there was something about her that intrigued the black paladin, something about her that seemed different from everyone else. He had a feeling in his gut that she wasn't at all the way she acted, that something had happened to make her act this way. Normally if Keith had been beaten his pride would have been damaged and he would have wanted nothing more than to beat the person who had bested him but with Thalia is was different. He found himself staring into space thinking before being dragged out of this thoughts by Allura over the communication device, "Keith someone has taken the black lion. I repeat someone has taken the black lion."

Meanwhile Thalia lay back in the black lion, relaxed as she piloted the lion with ease and black spoke to her without any issues. She had no idea what she'd signed up for stealing the lion... she had no idea what she'd signed up for messing with Keith, the paladins of Voltron and betraying Zarkon but she was sure to find out.

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