56. Looking like this

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Natepat (a lil bit)

Man, I'm just way too far,
I just can't explain to you.
Man I'm just way too far,
I'm just too good for you

I get soppy when I realise how far this book has gotten. I wrote my first oneshot on the 12th of September 2016 and I've gotten so far in a mere few months and I can't believe it... I makes me happy that people actually like my writing... My dream is to one day be a writer and to know that my work is actually enjoyed (I think) it makes me so happy... Anyway I'll stop being soppy now




"I seriously think you're a cheater, there is no way you can win every single game without fail," The competitor wined as the dark haired male took his winnings with a smirk on his face.

"Nobody likes a sore loser," Mark flexed his 'muscles' before getting up from his seat and pushing it under the table, as usual the casino was packed everyone wanting a chance to face the 'master' but the male was growing tried of the charade and for today was done.

His butler Wade came to his side almost immediately after his master decided he was finished, Wade passed him a letter,
"It's from Heavenly Hope Academy they want you to join this seamster."

Mark smirked as he snatched the letter from his butler's hand, for years he'd been awaiting a application for the school and they'd finally noticed him.

Worlds luckiest youngest gambler, if you could beat him you would gain everything he owned; yes he was that arrogant.

Wade saw the smirk on his bosses face and immediately assumed he would be joining the school.

"Would you like me to write them a letter back saying you accept?"

"SHUT UP WADE!" He yelled walking up the golden life of his casino taking it up to the penthouse his butler following closely in his pursuit.

The butler couldn't say a bad word to Mark in fear of getting fired to instead he awaited his masters response.

"Yes, you can write them a letter saying I accept their request and we must find someone to look after the casino when I'm gone - I'm thinking Matt and Ryan would be good."

Wade almost laughed but nodded approving his choice,
"Alright Sir. Fischbach I'll be right on, I'll book you the next flight out."

"Good now leave!"


He stayed up late that night surfing the Internet looking to see the students that would be joining them that year,
Nathan Sharp - ultimate song writer
Matthew Patrick - ultimate theorist
Connor Franta - Ultimate photographer
Daniel Howell - Ultimate fanfic writer
Phillip Lester - Ultimate Chef
Stephanie Patrick - Ultimate Fashion designer
Kayla Kendall - Ultimate Fighter
Mark Edward Fischbach - Ultimate Gambler
Seán William McLoughlin - Ultimate comedian/entertainer

There would be more students but those were the ones listed for now, some of them were a little out of the ordinary shall he say. His eyes fell on the name underneath his
Seán William McLoughlin

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