183. Happily Ever After

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Lmao do you guys actually care about what I'm writing cause I feel like no one talks to me anymore

Also I was going to vent but then I got a message so I'm happier now lmao so now imma just write a happier story

442 (short, sweet and actually kinda proud of this)


Roman's eyes landed on the anxious side and he felt his heart skip a beat, he had fallen so madly in love with him. He wanted so badly to run up to the male and hold him in his arms but he could not for Virgil was not his. The prince-like side knew that his feelings for the emo one would be disapproved of by his kingdom. He was a prince he could not fall for a negative trait yet he had and he wanted nothing more than to make Virgil his princess and be the one to share a bed with him alas it could not be. A relationship between a positive and negative trait was forbidden anyway Roman was certain that Virgil did not return the Prince's feelings for the way he treated him did not have any love behind it. He would instead marry the princess his kingdom had selected for him... a boring positive trait and he would rule until he had a child. That was his future. But he wanted to live happily ever after with Virgil.


Virgil felt his heart pound in his chest as he looked at the Prince, sure he was a bit of an arrogant idiot but Virgil was in love with him. He wanted nothing more than to be kissed by the prince and held by him, to feel his hands trace up his body and to be made love to but also to feel loved. He knew that he was not the one the kingdom wanted for Roman... Virgil was a villain not by his choice but by the stereotypes placed on him. He was forced into this role of being the bad guy and he was not allowed to escape. Roman didn't treat him like a villain but he didn't treat him like an equal either unless they were alone where whispers were shared. A relationship was forbidden between the two and Virgil was sure that Roman disliked him because although they would spend time together he only made fun of him but there were flirts laced between the insults... only what did it matter? The prince was in love with another and he was marrying his princess. Roman would have his happily ever after and Virgil wasn't going to get in the middle of that.

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