193. Her

117 2 0

No ship (you can decide who this is about yourself)


I started writing once again in my free period today and for being just a random piece of writing it turned out pretty good

Also this story will soon be coming to a close (fear not I am doing a second volume but I'm collecting suggestions now of what you want me to do in this second book... and it can be any ship)

326 (extremely short)


He knows who he wants to be

That isn't the issue, it's achieving it which causes him problems. Every morning when he looks in the mirror he sees her staring back at him, he doesn't want to dismiss her completely as she was a big part of his life but she wasn't now and seeing her each morning pained him, he acknowledged that she had once been there but this was his life and he didn't want her lingering around.

He didn't despise that she had once existed and been his reality, he didn't hate her, he just wasn't her. He wants to look in the mirror and see himself taking her place, the steps towards this goal are slow, he knows what he wants to be in the end.

One day he will be able to push her out the picture and full see himself instead of just a glimpse every now and again, however for the time being he will settle for the glimpse because it is better than nothing.

One day he will be seen for who he is and he will able to stand proudly about who he is.

One day she will only exist in his memory and she will no longer be associated as him. She will be nothing but a distant memory, that may be a long time away but the thought of it helps him sleep at night.

He knows who he wants to be... and it isn't her.

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