105. The Artist's Muse

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None? (I always write this before I've finished the actual oneshot lol I'll edit it if there is)

I fucking hate that All Star is the first song playing as I write this (I put my playlist on shuffle)

Also guess whose back on doing requests? Ya boi so if you have any shuffle them on the pile (although I need to my friend's first or I'll killed)

Oh right and AU where Lance is a writer

590 (I randomly got this idea in English when I should have been writing an essay)


Every great artist needs a muse and Lance McClain's muse was Keith Kogane. Now Lance's art wasn't painting or sculpting, no Lance's art was writing. He could write pages and pages of the most beautiful tragic love stories which had him praised around the world. He was well known for his writing however nobody other than himself knew what pushed him to write this gorgeous stories - his crush, his best friend and his muse: Keith Kogane.

You see Lance would never be able to confess his feelings to Keith face to face as he would never be able to get the words out, he'd stutter, panic and most likely make a run for it however when it came to writing Lance could express his feelings clearly and it was enough to bring tears to the eyes of anyone who read it. His confessions to his crush were hidden within the pages of his books as he wrote about the heroine - a arrogant, annoying Latino however the heroine did have a good heart despite his painfully irritating personality or at least his personality was viewed as this by the 'Princess' character a quick-witted, edgy, angsty character who honestly just needs a hug. These characters were quite obviously based off himself and his crush however the names were changed but Lance's confession and his feelings were right there in black and white for the world to see.

At first the writer's stories had started cute and loving just pure romance with a few bumps but other than that the heroine would always get the girl or the guy that he was pursuing that was his hope that Keith could one day be his as the two got closer and their flirting became more obvious and apparent in their everyday life and Lance couldn't be more happy. Unfortunately Lance waited too late to act on his feelings and Shiro was the one who took action first and asked Keith on a date to which the boy had agreed seeming quite happy and excited to be going out with Shiro.

The previously beautiful happy romance stories changed to tragic stories where the heroine constantly lost the 'Princess' to his rival, a extremely attractive man able to seduce anyone with his sliver-tongue. Keith remained his muse throughout his career however his stories had drastically changed and this change didn't go unnoticed however nobody could figure out the reason behind the sudden change and simply decided that he wanted a change of tone. Of course that wasn't the truth, the writer was heartbroken. His confessions, his beautiful love poems were all wasted on a man that didn't return or even know of Lance's feelings. The basis of his new stories became unrequited love. Never having an happy ending. Why should his heroine get to live a lie?

Lance McClain wrote his final and saddest novel on the day that Shiro proposed and Keith said yes.

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