124. The List II

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This is a fluffier part to the first the list oneshot

Also I'm exposing myself lmao cause all the dumb things Dark writes about Anti is shit I do so well done to my girlfriend for putting up with that

Also I will pump oneshots out for a few days then probably vanish for months so be grateful y'all are getting 3 in one day

482 (short, sweet and not very well written)

1. Whenever he dries his hair he has to sit cross-legged on the bed because he has a fear of something dragging him under the bed

It had been about a month since Dark had altered Anti's list and he now kept an eye on it changing anything negative Anti wrote to a positive. Now Dark was making his own list however this wasn't a list about insecurities or fears but rather about little things he knew or noticed about his boyfriend... mostly he used the list to taunt him.

2. The number 5 reminds him of the colour purple

Dark rather enjoyed learning these small things about Anti. He was happy to see such a change in his boyfriend since Dark had found the original list. It turns out all Anti had needed to do was trust Dark and tell him everything then the list wouldn't have grown into such a big problem for him but that was all in the past now. The two were happy together and they addressed their problems with each other and were open because they discovered that was the best way to be with each other.

3. He cannot watch a movie normally. He has to analyse it

Anti and Dark relied on each other but that wasn't a bad thing. They trusted one another deeply and the love they shared was one that could not be beaten. Now Dark's list was what caused the fun. He kept it on a cork-board in his room so that whenever Anti came over to visit he could see any of Dark's new additions and Dark was adding new notes everyday and it was quite obvious he was enjoying himself whilst he was doing it.

4. He hates folded crisps and will bin them rather than eat them

That's the amazing thing about love it can be based around what other people find dumb or stupid. That's why Dark loved making the list on Anti's strange traits because to him they meant so much more than they would to anyone else. Love is an incredible thing and it's so fickle and rare nowadays that Anti and Dark considered themselves lucky to have each other.

5. Isn't very organised but loves to make lists

A love based around lists.
A love that would surely last a lifetime.

6. Loves his boyfriend with all his heart

These are the things that Dark has learnt about his boyfriend.

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