127. Find your happy place II

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Mentions of anxiety

I just jabbed my pin into my finger by mistake but it's like fine so I'm confused


480 (I feel like this is actually quite well written)


"Virgil wake up!" The mother parent snapped as he charged into her son's room. The mornings after the fights were always the worse especially if it was just the two of them. "Morning," Virgil replied yawning and getting up and for a moment he felt like the events that happened the night before were just a dream until, "So it'll just be you and dad next year, I'm guessing you figured that though?" The anxious boy bit back a few remarks knowing it wasn't the smartest idea and just said, "No I didn't realise I had no idea what you two were yelling about." The mother kept running around the room grabbing her things and double checking her son's keys were downstairs. "Anyway I be got to work so I'm going to go." And with that she was gone.

Virgil sighed and got to his feet checking himself in the mirror and scowling. "Of fucking course," He muttered feeling the overwhelming urge to kick it however he ignored it and went into the bathroom instead. Once he came out he quickly got dressed and went downstairs and there sitting on the kitchen table was none other than the fucking calzone and what remained of it from the night before. He picked it up and throw it back down on the table to afraid of the reaction he'd get it if he actually binned it. He used to love calzones but now he hated it and staring at the box he just felt the hate grow... of course the food wasn't responsible for what had happened but it was always easier to blame something else rather than a person wasn't it?

He had this stuff ready to go and he sat on the sofa to take sometime to think. "I can't snap today, I can't," He muttered to himself thinking of Roman, Logan and Patton who he'd be meeting later in the day. Virgil had a bad habit of snapping at people he cared about and acting pissy for the day if this happened but today he decided not to. He couldn't keep doing this though and he was nearing his limit. He was starting to understand the other happy places people used; drugs, alcohol although of course he'd never go down that route but that didn't mean he couldn't understand it. His happy place... he had to be nice today he couldn't snap the fear of losing him was to much to think about. Virgil went back upstairs and looked himself in the mirror forcing a smile, he could this... hopefully anyway.

A happy place doesn't always work but they don't tell you that in the movies. Sometimes it can all get too much.

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