184. The family you need

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I am just home from seeing Bohemian Rhapsody and it's really good highly recommend

Also for some reason I feel sentimental but like in a good way so enjoy this


It's funny isn't it?
How you're expected to love strangers you didn't choose to be related to
Yet, at least in most cases, you do end up loving them because they care for you
But friends are a different story
They are the family you chose
And they may not always be the family you want
But they're the family you need

Anti was, as usual, taking up the corner of the bed. He liked the corner closest to the wall and furthest from the door, it had a stand he could put his drink on and for some reason he felt comfortable in the corner and he couldn't explain why if you asked him but he felt safe like nothing could hurt him. He felt at home when he looked around the room and they cast on his two friends and his boyfriend. He felt his heart pounding and although they had their moments and they fell out and bickered as family did they always forgave each other.

Anti was passive aggressive but only if something annoyed him and was a master at being sarcastic his friends were the only ones who would tell him to shut it in a way he could respect and understand. They put up with a lot to do with him so in return he put up a lot to do with them because at the end of the day it would be worth it. They were nasty to each other in the way siblings are but they cared for each other deeply. Anti sometimes worries if he closes his eyes for a few seconds it'll all go away and he'll lose this life he's build.

This family is accepting and loving of him no matter what and Anti knows he couldn't do much better, if he could better at all, and he appreciates having them around. They make him laugh and occasionally cry and definitely shout and scream especially when it comes to Mario Kart... but that's mostly because Dark blue-shelled him when he was on the finish line and Anti is still salty about it.

The family of friends is more likely to be honest and tell the truth, they see flaws and they help to approve them and that's what makes Anti love them more. They're honest.

They may not always be the family you want
But they're the family you need

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