135. Stars

175 9 2



Honestly this is just the truth lmao - some of this anyway even though it's so rare to actually see proper stars and not just a blank black sheet of sky


Anti slowly slipped out of the bed he shared with Dark and tiptoed downstairs being extremely careful to avoid the ones that creak, he hung onto the barrister as he made his way down so he could jump certain stairs. He checked the clock on the oven having felt his phone upstairs on the bedside table but he wasn't annoyed at that he hadn't wanted to bring it. He listened smiling as he heard his boyfriend snoring and he as quietly as he could unlocked the backdoor grateful when it barely made any noise and he stepped outside his bare feet cold against the ground trying to avoid stones that could have come off the walls of his house.

The damp grass was freezing on his feet and it didn't help that he slept in nothing more than shorts and a tank top but the cold air didn't seem to bother him cause he felt at home in this setting. He laid down on the grass it quickly soaking his back through the top. He looked up at the sky, a long sigh escaping his lips as he looked up studying the stars in the sky. In this moment nothing else mattered just the beauty of the sky and how such insignificant humans were blessed to see such a beautiful sight it was the same sort of way he felt with fireworks on New Year like if you're lucky enough to see this beauty then there is still a chance. It symbolised a new start, a new chapter, another chance. There was always another day... until there wasn't. Another day had passed by and it was the countdown of how quickly life moves.

The stars were relaxing and the perfect way to calm down and everything could just be forgotten for a small amount of time as he could took in the sight and he just took everything easy, nothing was expected of him in this time. He could relax and let any act drop cause there was no one to impress and there was no task that had to be done all he had to do was take a second to admire the shimmering beauty of the sky. It was so rare to be given time to take everything in and just to appreciate how beautiful the sky actually is and what it means. Tomorrow was another day.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

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