37. Faulty

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I did make the smut book a thing (hahaha shameless self promotion)

Also I will write a Natepat oneshot next - I'm working on one but I saw some fanart (all credit to the artist) and couldn't resist




'This ship will self destruct in under four minutes'

He just stood there, he looked at the redhead blue haired male he was completely motionless, still the only sign of life were his glowing blue eyes casting a ghostly glow on the floor - other than that there was nothing. "Please Mark," Jack whimpered, "We need to get out of here or else we're going to die!" Still nothing.

He was still on but was terrified of breaking down and hurting Jack. The Irishman held his wounded arm and looked at the robot, "Please. I love you, we need to go. Felix, Cry, Ken the others they're waiting for us on the other side," he begged desperately.

'This ship will self destruct in under three minutes'

"We're wasting time! We need to go! We can still win this war!" He yelled grabbing Mark with his good arm and trying to run but the robot was stronger than he was and weighed him down, the Irishman couldn't move him. "Please Mark we have to go!" He whined, trying desperately to move him.

'This ship will self destruct in two minutes'

Mark let out a heavy sigh and raised a hand to Jack's face, his metal hand cold against the human's cheek, "I love you. . . But you have to leave me. . . I'm faulty, I was designed to kill your kind. . . A robot and a human can't be in love, that's my fault. . . Leave me." Tears streamed down Jack's face, "No. . . I won't!" He exclaimed. "Jack. . . You're being stupid, I'm nothing more than a machine, you can't love a machine," Mark told him, tears running from his glowing eyes causing him to glitch out. "Well. . . I do love you and I'm not leaving you! I don't care if you're a machine, you're more human than a lot of people I've met! I love you! Robot or not!" Jack told him, he turned to the robot and looked into his eyes.

'This ship will self destruct in under one minute'

"P-Please J-Jack j-just leave m-me behind and w-win the w-war for the h-humans," Mark's voice glitched out as more tears spilled down his face causing his body to spasm. "I don't care about winning the war, I care about you and if you're not leaving then I'm not!" Jack yelled. "C-Can't y-you see I-I can't l-leave m-my programming w-won't a-allow it!" The robot told him. "Then I'm staying!"

'This ship will self destruct in under 30 seconds.'

The robot smiled, "I-I'm g-glad m-my programming i-is faulty. . . I-I love y-you." Jack took his cold metal hand in his warm flesh one and leaned close, "I love you too."


They connected their lips, Mark's cold robotic lips against Jack's warm human lips but there had been so much love.



That was the last kiss they ever shared.

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