79. Chatroom III

508 40 13

Ryatt (ish)

Same as all the last chapters

Sorry I haven't updated in ages I had to get a new phone because my other one broke (not my fault I swear)


Private Chat

Markigay: Jack listen to me, I didn't mean anything I said in the chat the guys were right. I was jealous. Super jealous.

Jacksepticock: Explain.

Markigay: What?

Jacksepticock: Why you were jealous.

Markigay: Okay...

Markigay: I was jealous because I don't want anyone else to flirt with you even if it's jokily. You're so beautiful and perfect, amazing, funny, sweet you're everything to me. I've fallen for you hard. I want to be able to call you mine and only mine but I can't... I get jealous because you're not mine and that means anyone can have a chance at having you. I'm in love with you

Jacksepticock: Brb crying

Markigay: Did I make you upset? I'm so sorry.

Jacksepticock: Mark Edward Fischbach that is the most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me. I love you too.

Markigay: So will you date me? Please?

Jacksepticock: You're such a dork... Yes!

Markigay: Skype? I wanna see your beautiful face

Jacksepticock: 0///0 I'll Skype you

Markigay: Love you clover 💚

Jacksepticock: Love you Markimoo ❤️

*Markigay has left the chat*
*Jacksepticock has left the chat*

Later that same day

Ryan McGay
Matt Watsex
Lordmeme 119
Swedish Meatball
Enter chat

Swedish Meatball: Mark did you make it up to Jack?

Jacksepticock: Oh you better believe he did ;)

Markigay: Shut up Clover

Swedish Meatball: Clover!! That's adorable! And v.v gay

Danisnotstraight: I was summoned

Rainbowphil: Dan really?

Danisnotstraight: yes

Ryan McGay: I did hear a lot of sexual noises coming from Mark's room

Matt Watsex: yeah mostly stuff like take off your boxers

Lordmeme 119: SKYPE SEX!

Markigay: Matthew Watson if I was you I'd run.

Jacksepticock: Come on Markimoo don't be mean to Matt


Ryan McGay: I'm coming baby!

Lordmeme 119: Baby?

Ryan McGay: I mean um...

*Ryan McGay has left the chat*

Lordmeme 119: I ship it

Jacksepticock: #Ryatt for the win

Markigay: Hey!

Danisnotstraight: personally I think #Phan for the win

*Danisnotstraight as left the chat*

Swedish meatball: ALL THE GAYYY!!!

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