115. This is how I disappear

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Read at your own discretion

So I watched Infinity War and my girlfriend just watched it today so I don't need to worry about spoiling it for her now (lmao she's gonna be mad cause I'm meant to be writing her requests)

Superhero names;

Prince Charming - Roman

Shadow King - Virgil (ScottyGonzaela you know this one lol)

Someone also needs to remind me to make a part 2 to this when the 2nd part of Infinity War actually exists



Thanos has the all infinity stones apart from vision stone. (You happy now? Lol)

Those words were ringing around The Shadow King's head. He now had all the stones there was no way from them to stop him now. "Charming, what are we doing to do?" He questioned his partner. His entire body was shaking and Prince Charming lunged forward and caught the trembling hero in his arms. "Shadow," He mumbled in his ear, his voice soothing and calming, "It'll be okay, everything will be okay." His words were a lie but they relaxed the male. "We need to think calmly," Charming announced, "And act quickly." Of course that was easier said than done.

Half of them were wiped out and the other half were fighting already. The odds weren't exactly in their favour. "Charming, I want to tell you something," Shadow spoke up, knowing that if he didn't say something now they would run out of time. However Prince Charming didn't seem to understand that and he just shook his head, "We don't have time to chat Shadow." The more anxious trait frowned, letting out a heavy sigh of annoyance, before his lips twisted into a small playful smirk, "Call me Virgil." Charming's eyes widened in shock, he'd never expected the ex-villain/new-found hero to reveal his name to him but here it was happening. "Okay Virgil well then I guess as much as I love hearing you call me Charming I better tell you my actual name too... it's Roman," The Princely hero grinned. Virgil giggled, "Like the empire?" The hero rolled his eyes at the ex-villain, "Yes like the empire." After those words passed his lips he was suddenly shoved to the ground by The Shadow King who had a devious smirk playing on his lips, "The empire has fallen."

The two had seemed to have forgotten where they were and that there was a war happening before they heard a deep voice and a laugh, "You should have aimed for the head." That was Thanos's voice. Virgil caused his shadows to wrap around both him and Roman engulfing them in darkness, hoping that it would protect them. There was a silence for a few minutes before anything else happened and then suddenly one of the avengers ran forward, Bucky Barns, and right in front of the eyes of his friends disintegrates. That's when the panic sets in for everyone. Thanos had at long last won.

Virgil lifted the shadows, shaking, "What the fuck is happening Roman?" He questioned his partner however Roman didn't provide an answer as he was too busy staring at the anxious hero. "S-Shadow?" He spoke with his voice breaking. The Shadow King looked down and saw his own body disintegrating in front of his very eyes, suddenly weak the remaining part of his body fell forward, "Hey... Roman that thing I wanted to tell you earlier, can I tell you now?" There was a note of humour laced within his voice and he didn't seem to show any fear - truthfully it's because he was grateful that he was the one disappearing not Roman. "You don't need to ask Sha-Virgil just tell me!" The princely hero demanded. Virgil parted his lips to let the three words he'd always wanted to say to his partner leave his lips, "I lo-" but he didn't manage to finish his sentence before his entire body disintegrated.

Roman felt tears fill his eyes as he looked down at the dust left by Virgil. The Shadow King had at first been his rival as the anxious boy had started off life as Villain or rather he'd been viewed as one by the media simply because of his threatening aura but when it came down to the crunch Shadow... no Virgil had never been the bad guy at all. When Roman saw what the ex-villain really was he recruited him as his partner and got him known world-wide as a hero. The two had travelled the galaxy together attempting to protect the Infinity stones from harm but they'd failed... maybe they'd failed because they both had stopped paying attention to their work and more attention on each other. The truth was that they'd both fallen in love with each other.

Now they'd both lost the ability to confess.

Virgil was gone along with many of the other heroes the world relied on. Thanos had won and that was the end.

The good guy doesn't always win
And everything can't have a happy ending

The heroes had lost
Or had they?

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