173. Nervous

112 6 4


Slightly smutty

I get random ideas when I wake up lmao and this oneshot seemed the most fitting for Roman and Virgil - also shouldn't be angsty so be grateful for now (also something that isn't venty of angsty so be proud of me)

Also transboy!Virgil



Virgil wanted Roman and Roman wanted him but Virgil was nervous. His boyfriend already knew he was transgender so it wouldn't be a surprise for him when they actually went to do it. They already had to be honest, the couple hadn't gone as far as to properly sleep with each other but Roman had pleasured his boyfriend and he'd pleasured him back, but that didn't stop Virgil being nervous.

He didn't like his body and although Roman kept telling him that he loved it and it was okay Virgil wasn't as convinced. He wanted to be perfect for Roman but he knew he couldn't be because of the way his body was. Roman was always sweet and comforting and looked after his boyfriend hence why Virgil loved him so much. He did want him too... Roman was very good at teasing Virgil and Virgil was very good at teasing him back. The two longed for the time they had alone together even if it was just to cuddle and play games together.

Virgil mostly worried he didn't react the way Roman wanted to pleasure but he couldn't help it, the boy did want to beg for his boyfriend but he always got really shy and couldn't manage to say the words, he would instead moan even although he hated the way he sounded... too feminine.

Roman however loved all these things about his boyfriend and would remind him no matter what that he loved him. Virgil was always anxious it would turn out Roman was just using him and he loved the male deeply so he didn't want that and Roman never got mad about this instead he would just make sure Virgil knew how much he loved him and he would look after his boyfriend. Roman would teach him how not to be so nervous and Virgil was really grateful for that.

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