155. Taking it easy

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Literally what I'm away to do because today has not been the best I cried about four times today lmao and I had a freak out in the middle of lunch so minus the boyfriend part I'm doing the same as Virgil



Virgil had not had a good day. He'd literally had an attack in the middle of their living-room and went to go get water, Patton being concerned had followed and made sure his dark strange son was alright, they'd already had a talk earlier in the day about Virgil speaking about him being more open about his emotions and when things upset him rather than overthinking it and breaking down to himself. Virgil however isn't the best at expressing his feels and would prefer to just try and stay quiet about them so that he didn't bother anyone.

Roman, however, heard Patton making sure that Virgil was okay when they'd came back into the living room having been busy watching the tv with Logan he hadn't really realised anything was wrong. Virgil was nervously playing with the bottle in his hands and Roman went to check he was okay, not very happy when his boyfriend tried to say he was, it was quite obvious Virgil was not okay, he had these attacks not frequently but enough for him to know that it would eventually go away and the tightness in his chest would loosen and it would be alright until the next time.

The boyfriend of Virgil, which was Roman, sighed and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend giving him a cuddle which was definitely much needed. The anxious boy really did want to be open and honest with his boyfriend he just wasn't very good at it. He got upset over dumb things and he hated that so he chose not to bother anyone else with it. Instead he decided he just wanted to be with Roman and take it easy.

The romantic trait was more than willing to spend time with him, know how much Virgil needed it, and asked what he would like to do. Not even needing to think about it Virgil wanted to watch Coco with a bunch of snacks and just take it easy, plus the movie gave him an excuse to cry, Roman who had never  etched the movie agreed in order to calm his boyfriend down and make sure he was alright.

They got everything set up including ice-cream, salt and vinegar crips and cookies because that was what Virgil had decided he needed. Roman had laughed but provided everything for him. The two sat in Virgil's room cuddled under a purple blanket with the bowls of food along with a bottle of Starbucks frappe sat on the bedside table. "You ready?" Roman asked chuckling a little as he noticed Virgil wearing his hoodie that he'd given him, cuddling the toy that he was given by him. Roman smiled at him and wrapped an arm around him. "I love you," He mumbled in Virgil's ear lightly kissing his neck.

Once the movie began Virgil seemed to cheer up a lot seeing as Coco was one of his favourite movies, he joined in with the songs and even tried singing the Spanish parts although he did so horribly but he was trying. He did cry during the movie but he always did every time he watched it and he felt like a giant weight was off his chest and he could breathe again, he stayed cuddled up with Roman the whole time during the movie occasionally kissing him. He needed this. He needed to take it easy.

One day he will be able to open up to Roman and he wants that day to be soon but for now he's just going to take it easy.

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