108. Valentine

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Klance (I swear I'll write something different eventually)

Noneeee this should actually be kinda cute

This is based around another one of my poems in English

AU where Lance is a writer/poet (cause I think we've realised how much I love this type of AU)

889 (Look two days in a row too! I'm getting good at this lol)


Not a red rose or a satin heart

Valentine's Day was coming up and Lance was currently stressing about what to get his lover - Keith Kogane. He wanted to get a gift that represented their own relationship rather than giving the simple traditional valentines gifts that only depicted the romantic and positive side of love however that wasn't how relationships went, you have to take the good with the bad and Lance knew this. He tried his best to push that message in his writing and his poems which had him praised by those far and wide but the only person he wanted praise from was his boyfriend. He spend ages pondering over notes and drafts of the perfect gift to get Keith. Finally he chose an unusual gift however the meaning behind the gift was truly heartfelt and showed a more truthful image of love.

I give you an onion
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.

"Lance?" Keith questioned his quirky boyfriend, taking this as one of his practical jokes as he looked down at the onion that Lance was holding out to him with a wide grin on his face. The Latino chuckled and went to explain his reasoning behind the gift, he would have given Keith the moon had it been practical however he didn't possess that ability but the onion was big and precious like the moon and the undressing of the onion's layers was similar to the way that the two would undress each other desperate to get their hands on each other, ripping away at the layers to get to the centre.

It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief

Their relationship obviously hadn't been all sunshine and rainbows, that's not how love works, if you're in a relationship that's happy all the time then you're lying to yourself. Lance wanted to show Keith the bad side of their relationship with the onion by causing tears to spill down his lovers cheeks as he chopped up them onion similar to the way that they both broke down whenever they fought. Blinded with tears so that the romantic and loving parts of their relationship seem so distant yet all it takes is a simple sorry or a goodbye, to either salvage the relationship or end it. Lance was deeply in love with Keith which made the tears and the pain worth it.

I am trying to be truthful.

Lance didn't want to lie to his lover by ignoring the negatives of their relationship. The negatives would how they would grow stronger together and how they would be able to express their love so openly and freely. They had to be truthful with each other and trying to sugarcoat the negative parts of their relationship was them lying to each other and lying to themselves. He wanted to always be honest with Keith even if the truth did hurt at times. He would speak the truth with the fearful chance of rejection - that's how love is after all.

Not a cute card or a kissogram

He refused to glamorise love like the media did by using these stereotypical untruthful traditions that tried to hide the truth behind promises of romance and pure love, granted that was true however it wasn't present all of the time, Lance wanted to project his love in a different way to his lover in a way that he knew Keith would manage to understand and appreciate, he did love Lance's quirky ways of showing his love even if it was in a way that no one else would understand.

I give you an onion
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are
for as long as we are

The taste of the onion would stay on Keith's lips constantly remaining him of his lovers passionate and consuming kisses. The taste would remain faithful on Keith's lips even if he could no longer taste the onion it would still linger there faithful as Lance was. There would always be the chance that things wouldn't work out between the two which is when the taste would finally fade however until then Lance's love would remain present with Keith.

Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring.
If you like
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife

Despite Lance avoiding all tradition shows of love he did intend to marry Keith eventually however the wedding ring would remain trapped on his finger, trapping the couple into this false showing of love where they'll have to keep up appearances which is why marriage is lethal especially if you end up promising to spend your life with the wrong person which is always a risk in life. Lance was scared of that, he believed that Keith was the one for him.

"And that's why I gave you an onion."

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