159. Perfect

119 12 5


None complete fluff (maybe...)

So I'm working on another os called 'my boyfriend from outer-space' so I'm hyped about finishing that but for just now have this

Also I finished doing my modern studies essay and my hand aches

Feel free to make theories on this one too



It's funny how when you're in a relationship the person you're with is perfect no matter what.

To Anti, Dark was the most perfect man alive. He was so strong and he really motivated Anti to keep going. He could make him laugh at his darkest times and he was the light at the end of the tunnel. He lit up Anti's life and he made him happy. Anti didn't mind having to remind his boyfriend that he was allowed to be upset sometimes, that it was okay if he broke down because he is only human and that's natural. He loved him so very deeply and he would've never miss the chance to tell him.

There was so many things about Dark he loved. The fact that he would surprise him by hugging him, the fact he would let Anti kiss him as much as he wanted. He knew how to cheer Anti up. Anti wanted to tell Dark everything because he knew he could trust him. He loved Dark with all his heart. Dark was Anti's love and he held the key to his heart and they both knew that and they were both in love.

When you're in love you can be blind and not see certain things... that applies to both sides. Even now Dark will still always be perfect to Anti. He loves him everyday and he tells him that everyday. But his conversations always end the same way,

"So why did you do it?"

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