131. Blue, pink and white

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Lmao bitch I don't know

Your boyo is waiting to get to go the movies lmao

This should actually be sweet



'Great another broken mirror' Anti sighed as he looked at the smashed hand-mirror on the floor, "Well what's more bad luck going do for me anyway?" He knew he had to pick it up though otherwise his parents would not be impressed so he scooped up the broken shards of glass and put them on the dressing table making a mental note to bin them when he got home... if he wasn't murdered at the restaurant that was. "Anya sweetheart are you nearly done getting ready?" His mum called upstairs obviously not very impressed having to wait. The truth was that Anti wasn't even dressed yet he was sitting on his bed in his underwear, a pair of boxers and his binder, deciding what would be the best outfit to wear tonight. He really wanted to wear his skinny black jeans and one of his anime shirts but he knew his parents probably wouldn't appreciate that and they were getting enough 'unpleasant' surprises tonight so he should at least dress in a way that'll keep them quiet. In the end he chose a black dress and heels which he knew would be murder on his feet so he texted his boyfriend, Darkiplier, to bring him a change of clothes and a pair of trainers. Dark was going to be there with him through this and Anti was so incredibly grateful for it.

"Finally woman always do take forever to get ready," Anti's dad joked with a grin and Anti couldn't help but laugh a little at that. The mum was pacing back and forth making sure she had everything before they left for the restaurant she also seemed worried they were going to be late for their reservations but she was the only one that really cared. Dark was already at the restaurant anyway and Anti couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips when he saw his boyfriend, the two immediately embraced each other and shared a kiss before Dark whispered in his ear, "Are you okay to do this tonight? No one is forcing you." But Anti nodded, he had to admit it sometime and he wanted his boyfriend to be there when he did, he knew with Dark holding his hand he could do anything. Anti did, however, want his parents to get some food down first and a few drinks as it would soften the blow. He felt completely terrified and Dark knew that squeezing his boyfriend's hand under the table, he would be there for him no matter what the outcome of the night was.

They were on dessert when Anti finally decided he should get it over with. "Mum, Dad I have something I wa- no I need to tell you," He took a deep breath this was honestly a long time coming and he just needed to say it but the words didn't want to come. He was stuck opening and closing his mouth knowing there was no backing out of it now, he had to say it, he just had to, "I'm not a girl I'm a boy!" There it was... he'd finally said it. The table was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as it felt as if all the chatter from the surrounding tables had faded away and it was them. Anti was squeezing Dark's hand as if it was his lifeline and in a way it was. "Is that it?" His dad asked. "Oh honey we thought you were going to say you were pregnant after saying you needed Dark here and everything but that's all you wanted to tell us," The mother sounded relieved. Anti was only young and she hadn't wanted her child to be pregnant. "You're not going to kick me out?" Anti managed to get out feeling as if he was going to burst into tears at any second. "Of course not! I still gave birth to you y'know." "I always wanted a son anyway more for me to relate to." That did cause Anti to burst into tears and he grabbed Dark crying into his boyfriend. Dark just stroked his hair and smiled at the parents of his boyfriend, "It's okay Anti, it's okay," He mumbled reassuringly. The parents immediately picked up on the use of a different name and nodded knowing Dark had done it on purpose. Anti had been terrified but he'd spoken up and everything felt so much better.

He could now wave his flag freely
Blue, pink and white

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