26. Thou shall not kill

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I have no idea


Blood, gore (?)

I have no idea what this even is
Song - Cry little sister vs hello zepp



"Thou shall not kill."

"Congratulations, you are still alive.
Most people are so ungrateful to be alive.
But not you... Not any more."

"S-Stop," Jack whimpered in pain, struggling under the man who kept him pinned down. He drove the knife into the skin under the Irish man's eyes dragging it across. A sadistic smirk played on his lips, he continued to crave 'beautiful' drawings into Jack's skin, painting it in his rich blood. The screams only urging him onwards. The Irish male kept fighting but he was failing, he pleaded and begged but all to no avail. The man above him smirked and ran a finger down his chin forcing him to look into his dark soulless eyes, "You're a pretty boy aren't you?. . . I don't think I'll kill you, I think I'll keep you around as a pet. . . Then you can watch those pathetic friends and boyfriend of yours die in the most beautiful ways." The man shuddered in pleasure. He pulled the young man to his feet and pinned his arms behind his back, the man's sharp dirty nails digging into the green haired male's pale skin breaking the skin and drawing more of his gorgeous blood.

Mark's eyes immediately fell on Jack the second he was brought back to the room. "JACK!" He yelled relived his boyfriend was still alive. A low growl escaped his lips as he saw the cuts on Jack's face, "Baby, are you okay?" He asked struggling against the ropes that restraint him, desperately wanting to see his boyfriend properly and hold him. Jack bit his lip and studied his boyfriend, limping over fear evident in his expressions. The man followed and tossed Jack down to his knees in front of his boyfriend, smirking at his helplessness and fear. "Leave him be," Mark growled at the man. The man simply smirked and ran his hands down Jack's small frame, stopping at the bottom of his t-shirt which he pulled off in one swift action showing deep cuts that scattered his chest.

"How fucking dare you!" Mark hissed after getting over the shock of seeing the cuts on his boyfriend's chest. He couldn't believe someone could actually bring themselves to hurt the adorable, energetic Irishman. The man cackled at his reaction, enjoying the pain and the suffering of the two. He slowly ran his hand up Jack's chest across the fresh cuts causing Jack to let out a whine of pain and shiver.

A last fire will rise behind those eyes
Black house will rock, lost boys don't cry!

(Thou shall not fall)

Thou shall not die
(Lost boys don't cry!)
Thou shall not fear
(Cry little sister!)
Thou shall not kill

Nate and Mat were at least tied together watching their friends with sympathetic eyes. Nate was drenched in water which had been poured over him straight from a kettle, burns had formed on his skin and the littlest movement hurt him. Mat on the other hand had his bones snapped, his arm had been snapped like a twig by the man keeping them hostage. Both males held each other close, grateful they were near each other. Mat took Nate's hand and squeezed it tightly trying to comfort his boyfriend and convince him it would be okay. Nate wanted to believe him, desperately wanted some form of hope to clutch onto. He let out a small whine of pain as the ropes rubbed against his burns. Mat rubbed circles on the back of Nate's hand trying to sooth him the best he could.

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