25. Our perfect love

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Nate is in love with Mat but Mat only lusts for Nate

Angst (?)


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"I love you."

The words passed Mat's lips as he kissed Nate roughly but there was no real feeling behind the words. The theorist looked down into the musicians eyes, his pupils were dilated and clouded with lust. He ran his hand down Nate's smaller frame edging his hand lower and lower -

Mat's phone rung loudly from the other side of the house, the theorist got up and didn't say a word to his boyfriend. He went and answered the call. Nate followed although he knew he shouldn't. The ebony lay his head against the door listening to what little of the conversation he could hear.

"Of course baby~" Mat smirked speaking lowly, "I'll be right there~" He hung up and turned to the door as if he could sense Nate's presence. His lips twisted into a frown, "Nateybaby~ I know you heard my call. . . You may as well come out from where you're hiding babe."

Nervously Nate came out from his hiding spot, he swallowed thickly and he looked down shuffling his feet shyly. "I-I know I shouldn't have been listening in. . . I'm sorry Mat. . . Please don't leave me. . ."

The blond male only laughed, he ran a hand under Nate's chin and smirked, "I never loved you. . . You were just good in bed." He left the house cackling.

Leaving Nate's heart shattered in a million pieces.

Obviously Mat isn't actually like its just fanfic so start getting mad
Also sorry about all the short chapters I will start writing long chapters again

If you could maybe leave some requests/suggestions in the comments I'd love to write a plot line you'd like

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